Jelly Boy 2/Jerry Boy 2 (Super Nintendo) Dark Palace Stage + True Final Boss + Ending (Part 2)

1 year ago

Jelly Boy 2/Jerry Boy 2 (Super Nintendo) Dark Palace Stage + True Final Boss + Ending (Part 2)

Well Guys,I did it,I finnally managed to Get the True Endind to this Unreleased Sequel to a Classic Gem,which was no Picnic or Easy Task to Do,which getting all those Puzzle pieces was absolute Hell,which I'll get to all that in a Sec.

This Final Battle will Be split into 2 parts,since i can only upload to 25 mins per video at a time!

Jelly Boy 2,or should I say "Jerry Boy 2" was an unreleased Prototype Japanese-only Sequel to to the obscured 1991 Classic "SmartBall" (Jerry Boy),which both game were Published by Epic Sony Music Entertainment and Both Game Being Developed by "Game Freak:,yep! Those guys,the same guys that would later be best known for they're long running Pokemon Games RPG Franchise,which is still ongoing til this very day,which the Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) franchise continues to release new Gen games til this very day,with the latest Generation of Pokemon games currently ongoing now is Gen 9: Scarlet and Violet:P

The company was also best known for Pulseman for the Sega Genesis,Mendal Palace for the NES,The Yoshi Nes Puzzle Game,and Drill Dozer for the Game Boy Advance

Anyways,Getting back to Jelly Boy 2,While the First Jerry Boy was ahead of it's time for an Early 90's Super Nintendo Game,especially That castle theme,but however,in Many ways,the Sequel was even better than the first game which this Unreleased Sequel "Jerry Boy 2/Jelly Boy 2" made many huge improvements over the first game,including Faster Gameplay,Larger Stages,improving many of the first gameplay's slow Clunky/Loose controls and best of all,having multiple characters with they're own abilities!

But however,this sequel was no Cake Walk Either,which Jelly Boy 2 also had it's fair Share of Flaws,which this could have been an amazing Hidden Gem,if it weren't for the fact for some of the slippery controls and if the Other Characters weren't so Useless!!! With the Exception of Mint,who's the best character to use in the game,Everybody Else you use are Outright USELESS!!!!........especially Carm,which this one really peeves me off,because you think being a female character,they would at least give her a useful ability right!!??? but nope! instead.she has a useless Ability which is only good for going through transparent Walls to find Hidden puzzle pieces and hidden Items to increase you Maxium Life.....Thats it!!! other than that,she's outright useless in Boss Fights,and the other's aren't much better,

Marine can only Throw one Red Ball at a Time which he has to wait for a recharge before you can throw another one,unlike How Jerry in the first game could throw multiple colored balls at Once! Ed has a useless Bomb ability that he can't even Throw,but can only plant it,which you can barely hit shit with it,but,it is good for uncovering hidden treasures,but Ed is Defentially no Bomberman,and the stupid Mutt/Dog named Sienna is just as useless as the orhers,which he can only glide/helicopter like Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Don't Even get me Started on Yolk,this Fat Ass has a pathetic useless air Dash which is hard to control and is more trouble than useful,but however in his defense,theres only one time where Yolk's Pathetic/Worthless Fat ass actually comes in handy! I know some of your are Going "WTF" at the moment right now on why I temporarially Killed off Mint and Sent her to a Time Out in Heaven for awhile.IRC

Well,Heres Why!.....because you Yolk to get the last Puzzle Piece in Section 4 of the Dark Palace Stage,which is hidden behind some bricks,which only he can break through them with his air Dash,and on top of that,only he can reach the Door!

so yep,only Mint's Worth using for Boss Fights.Xd

But the Game FORCES you to use all the other characters which are required to Find the Puzzle Pieces,which again,except for Mint,they All Suck!!! and your stuck with that character throughout the rest of the stage,untile you either beat it,or You Die and lose a life!

Also there are 2 Final Bosses you fight in the Game,which are the Dark Jester,and some Fallen Angel/Skeleton Boss! The Dark Jester is pretty easy and shouldn't give you too much Trouble,but the True Final Boss However!!!........That Fallen Angel Final Boss is the Most Bullshit/Broken Final Boss I've Ever experianced in any game,which this true final boss is damn near impossible to beat without Mint,which this is what I meant when I said that everyone else is outright useless in this game,because every time you hit this boss in his first phase,he spits out fire in unpredictable random Patterns,than in his 2nd phase,he shoots out pillars of fire,and he has a green Lazer orb attack thats hard as fuck to avoid which takes away 2 hearts of your Health which is the most BS Overpowered Attack i've ever seen,and good luck trying to survive this Final Boss,because your gonna need it,which I suggest grinding for extra lives before attempting to tackle this final Boss!

Despite some of this game's flaws,This game was quite a Fun Wild Ride and a Shame this never took off as a full Fledge franchise,as sadly the 2nd game was canceled at the last min,dued to Sony at the time wanting to focus on they're new Playstation 1/PSX Console which was already out in japan at that time in 1994 when this game was released!

Game Freak Sure has come a long way throughout the years,and to think they started out as a small Company in the early 90's,which who knew that they would become a huge mainstream company today,thanks to the success of they're Current Popular ongoing Pokemon

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