The Man Who Wrecked the Soviet Empire

1 year ago

God used one man of faith to shake the world and wreck the Soviet Empire. This man suffered in the gulag and turned hearts and minds with his powerful writing. Learn how he exposed the evils of the Soviet Union—and discover the life-saving power of real faith.

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The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. But the threat of communism is deadlier than ever today. It has infiltrated the West and dreadfully weakened our nations.

Back in the 1940s, when the world was worried about the Nazis, one man warned about communism. He was ahead of his time. And the decades since prove that he was right. Request our free pictorial He Was Right to discover that the communist infiltration of America was prophesied. Learn how Herbert W. Armstrong saw it coming by searching the pages of the Holy Bible. Prove that communism is more than a political or economic movement; ultimately, it is a means to the violent overthrow of capitalism and democracy!

Long before anyone else, Herbert W. Armstrong recognized the psychological warfare employed by the communists—an all-out attack on minds and morals rather than bodies and possessions. Study He Was Right for an in-depth understanding of America’s surrender to communism. This diabolical plot has been in motion for nearly a century and is finally almost finished.

Also request our free booklet What Is Faith? Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a man of faith. He sensed God’s guiding hand even as he suffered in the gulag. With urgency, he examined himself and recorded valuable life lessons for us all. He labored to remove sin from his life. He understood human nature. His faith in God inspired him to wreck the Soviet Empire with his writing.

Study What Is Faith? to reveal how to receive life-saving faith from your Creator. Real faith ensures that your prayers will be answered. It goes beyond simply believing that God exists. You must believe every word and every promise of God!

Also request our free reprint article about Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This courageous Russian writer declared a sobering warning to the West, condemning our lavish lifestyle and broken will. It is time for our nations to wake up!

You will also receive a free transcript of this Key of David television program. From the life of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, you can see the vital importance of real faith.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request He Was Right, What Is Faith?, a reprint article about Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and a transcript of this television program. Order now!

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