1 year ago

August 3/ 2023
President Donald J Trump Took Time To Congratulate A Newly Wed Couple At His Famous Bedminster Golf Club~^~~^~
He Welcomes And Congratulate The Couple After Returning From Washington DC Pleading Not Guilty To Charges Stemming From Jan6 Probe…!!…

If You’re Doing Poorly, Don’t Send Anything…
If You’re Doing Well, Text ” TRUMP” To 88022 To Donate…

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Don Trump Jr💚🍀Chats Live Answer Questions August 3/ 6:00 Pm Cest🇺🇸 🐝

President Trump❤️Thanks Everyone For The Support And Prayers💙🇺🇸🗽

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Join President Donald J Trump Truth❤️🇺🇸📱📲

Checkout My TruthSocial Platform I Created July 3/ 2023💓🪽😇🪽

Deep State Enlists Dark Hat Soldiers Straight Out Of High School☣️💂‍♀️🏫🧑‍✈️🐝

The Black Hat deception stretches from the highest rungs of the governmental ladder to the halls of America’s high schools, where military recruiters promised potential enlistees unauthorized rewards in exchange for a criminal commitment: If POTUS Joseph R. Biden, Barack Obama, or Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin declare Donald Trump and his adherents domestic terrorists, stand ready to wage war against enemies of the United States Constitution.

As reported this week, White Hats arrested several corrupt officers and NCOs stationed at Fort Drum, New York, and at Rose Barracks in Vilseck, Germany. They also apprehended 165 enlisted personnel who participated in live-fire wargames, practicing marksmanship on wooden targets draped in MAGA attire.

A few of the 165, when told they faced lifelong imprisonment or a hanging, buckled under interrogation and described a scenario so villainous that it shocked White Hat leaders who thought they had already seen the worst the Deep State had to offer.

Military recruiters have long sat in corridors of U.S. high schools in hopes of beguiling seniors to postpone college and instead “Be All That You Can Be,” promising them that between paychecks saved on active duty and the Pell Grant—financial aid given to armed forces members who enlist and complete their initial contract—they would leave the military with enough cash to fund college without putting themselves in debt. Recruiters earn bonuses based on unpublished quotas. And while most are assuredly patriotic NCOs industriously filling the rank-and-file, a growing minority have dishonored themselves by following Deep State directives to build private armies of Trump-hating soldiers.

The unorthodox recruitment began shortly after the 2020 stolen election and Lloyd Austin’s elevation to secretary of defense, as recruiters started visiting inner city schools in predominately Black neighborhoods. Through observation and conversation, these recruiters cherrypicked which high schoolers to approach. Although an anti-Trump sentiment is prevalent in inner-city schools in Chicago, Philadelphia, and D.C., so too is widespread contempt for the military apparatus, so much so that school districts nationwide have unsuccessfully lobbied to bar recruiters from school properties. Therefore, the mendacious recruiters attenuated their pitch; they approached students under the guise of friendship, at first discussing ordinary life instead of badgering potential marks into a military commitment. They engaged in innocuous discourse—sports, social media, family life, financial situations, and the troubles of inner-city life. Sometimes, the recruiters spent days cultivating friendships, bonding with students, and earning their trust before deciding whether to segue chats to the political arena.

If a student displayed sympathy or ambivalence or neutrality for President Trump, the recruiters disengaged and pursued their next target. They didn’t want to waste precious time turning marks to the Dark Side. But if a student expressed veritable animosity for Trump, and especially Trump’s supporters, the recruiters escalated the rhetoric. Students were told that while Trump lost the election, his return to power in or before 2024 was imminent because a sizable part of the military was fiercely loyal to him (the only truth the recruiters told). And when that happened, Trump’s military phalanx would decimate political and civilian opponents, particularly ethnic minorities. The military needed soldiers to defend Biden’s presidency, by force if necessary, to prevent that outcome.

If students had no love for Biden, recruiters told them that Barack Hussein Obama was still in charge and had to have brave men at his side. Fealty had rewards. They were told that upon successful enlistment, a trust fund would be set up in their name, into which Biden’s people would deposit $5,000/month, independent of base pay and redeemable upon honorable completion of their initial contract. If killed in action fighting insurrectionists, a designated beneficiary could claim the trust.

The soldiers indoctrinated into the unlawful recruitment abided by the typical rigors of Army enlistment—taking a placement exam called ASVAP, the scores determining a soldier’s eligibility for various military professions. Most scored only high enough to become infantrymen, undoubtedly the unscrupulous recruiters’ goal.

On the surface, the enlistments seemed straightforward: One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort Benning, Georgia, then permanent duty assignments. About six months after adopting a disciplined, regimental mentality, they received transfer orders assigning them to the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum or the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Vilseck, Germany. There, they were put in platoons whose officers and NCOs informed them about the reason behind the sudden transfer—to fulfill a constitutional oath to defend the nation against Donald Trump.

The soldiers presently in custody, at least the few who confessed, said visiting FBI agents taught classes on how to recognize authentic MAGA from assets posing as MAGA, people like Ray Epps. The driveways, doorsteps, and mailboxes of known Trump supporters have been marked with a kind of paint that allegedly luminesces when exposed to ultraviolet light.

If war erupted, Biden’s army would take no prisoners, not even children, for they might become the next generation of Trump supporters eager to exact vengeance on their parents’ killers.

A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that White Hats are involved in a painstaking mission to find and incarcerate all recruiters, officers, NCOs, and soldiers who made the unholy pledge.

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