Morgellons Disease, Parasites & Nano Tech, Reptilians, Spiritual War - Dr Christopher Macklin & TSP

1 year ago

Christopher Macklin is a spiritual and metaphysical lecturer, author and remote viewer who shares his insights in the fields of spirituality, health and wellness and the paranormal. His topics includes SADS, 5G's and the affects on the public, UFO's, The Galactic Federation, raising the immune system, Divine Sovereignty, Cause and Effect of Illness, lectures on theaphysical, spiritual and emotional guide to health & wellness.

Dr. Macklin treats Emotional Disorders, including Addictions, Chronic Depression, Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar Disorder. The whole person, and their whole life are treated, therefore relationships of families and loved ones can also be repaired and restored. As an energy worker and medical intuitive, Dr. Macklin’s work focuses on how divine healing works to create positive outcomes and solutions especially during these challenging times. He utilizes the power of vibration, frequency and divine sovereignty in helping to maintain physical, mental and emotional health. He has developed his own protocol for successfully treating viruses, Lyme Disease, HIV/AIDs, Morgellons and other difficult to treat illnesses. Dr. Mackin’s specialty focuses on detoxing the body from environmental, 5G and vaccine toxicity and he has an deep understanding of how these toxins breaks down the body’s immune system and leads to catastrophic consequences.

Christopher specializes in healing abductees and others who have suffered related negative ET trauma. He assists people in removing negative ET presences from their lives, clearing homes and land, and closing multidimensional portals. He also works tirelessly with “illuminati fall out children” who have been mind-controlled and physically tortured by ET influenced governmental agencies and institutions. In addition, he works very closely with the Pleiadians and Arcturians to help heal and rebalance humanity. His new book History, Truth and Healing addresses the negative ET presence and how it has affected humanity.

His exemplary research findings are culled from scientific evidence, intuitive information and divine connection which makes him a highly respected speaker, lecturer and medical consultant world-wide.

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