4Aug24 Disruptive Superconductor, GMO Tech as Biden Bans Trucks & Cars

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
90 year old Diane Feinstein has turned over her legal affairs to her daughter, but she's still writing laws for us — or someone using her as a front is writing them (2:29)
WATCH Al Sharpton can't imagine Jefferson or Madison would EVER revolt against a government LOL (6:52)
Ramaswamy wants a 2nd American Revolution.  A closer look at his BigPharma background (9:41)
Wikipedia co-founder says CIA, FBI, etc are controlling that site (41:15)

Unintended GMO Consequences — CRISPR is NOT a Scalpel As FDA & USDA fight to see who will have "authority" to "regulate" GMO cows and soy plants that glow and signal when in distress, what are the danger signs that we've already seen in unintended chimeras as rush at Warp Speed to make money for biotech companies.  (46:13)

San Francisco firm pursues test tube babies for homosexual men (1:07:48)
Room Temperature Superconductor — How Would It Change Society? Desc: It looks like the buzz for LK-99 was premature, but there are still big advances toward practical superconductors.  What will this transformative tech do to society? (1:12:16)
Another Week, Another Biden Ban of Something Foundational to Our Way of Life Desc: Will Republicans ever DO anything to even slow down Biden's slow version of Mao's "Cultural Revolution"? This week Biden bans trucks in 9 years (1:31:06)
Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Kentucky — top tourist attractions but also fascinating and thought provoking (1:45:31)
Can faith survive in our post-objective, post-Christian culture?  How do Christians come to terms with a society that views us as vile and detestable? (1:48:29)

INTERVIEW Military Mandates & Readiness as the Military "Transitions" (2:04:37) Jason Barker, TheKnightsOfTheStorm.com, joins now that he's finally separated from the military after the ordeal of mandates. The jabs were mandated for "readiness" but the new LGBT policies are just the kind of military Corporal Klinger (MASH) would've loved. 
And, what are BlackRock and other big investors doing to the residential housing market, how they're getting preferential treatment, and what this will lead to

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