the awakening & god consciousness:

1 year ago

in this discussion we will talk about real spiritual awakening and how the spiritual wickedness want to give you a chemical lobotomy with drugs and vaccines. And I want to share a video from the controversy 7 with Emmanuelle lakonda that talked. about their wanting to own your dna i.e. they want to patent your dna.

my puff the magic dragon parody:
death to puff the magic dragon,
he's laying by the sea, to die
don't you see, in a land where you
can never get high.

because it is against god's law
to get high,
and the penalty is to die.

no one that gets high,
can enter the kingdom of god,
they must be cast into the fire
to die.

- Controversy 7: War on your DNA
- Puff the magic Dragon
- Kratom, mind altering substances and killing your frontal lobe

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