Apostle John Eckhardt - Prophetic Insight: Seeking Truth Beyond Assumptions

1 year ago

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Prophetic Word for July 2023 with Apostle John Eckhardt https://www.facebook.com/apostlejohneckhardt

Now, you, I believe you can put yourself in a position to hear from God clearly. You can fast and pray, and God can reveal things to you. But there are times when God just hides things—the hidden things, the secret things belong to the Lord. It's a mystery. God hides it. God has a right to do that. In His wisdom, God doesn't reveal everything. We have to walk by faith. We have to live by faith, even if you're a prophet. You live by faith, you walk by faith. You can only go by what God shows you, by the revelation God gives you. And if God doesn't show it to you, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't force God to do it. God is God. God has the right to hide things.

One scripture says, "It's the glory of God to hide a thing, and it's the glory of kings to search out a matter." So a part of God's glory is actually hiding things. It's a part of God's mystery, God's glory, God's majesty, God's power. We serve a God that does have secrets and mysteries. He reveals it to some people. You can have a spirit of revelation, a spirit of wisdom, a spirit of knowledge. Some people receive more than others. But God is a God of revelation, of mysteries.

I mentioned yesterday, allow God to speak to you in different ways. God can show you things in different ways. God can speak to you in different ways and reveal things to you. But if you don't see it, don't panic. Okay, if you don't see it, don't think that God has left you. If you don't see it, it doesn't mean that God is angry with you. It just means that God has kept it from you. Elisha, the man with the double portion, one of the greatest prophets of God in Scripture, was an individual that God actually hid this revelation from.

So be encouraged, prophetic people. Go by what God shows you. Be open to revelation. Be open to the voice of God. Understand that other aspect of God as well, that God does hide things. We can seek things out, we can pray for revelation, we can ask God. But there are some things that God keeps. I believe there are things that we won't know until we get to heaven. I believe there are things that we will not comprehend until we get to glory. There are things that we'll never know even on this earth. Many things God can reveal to us, but I think that there are things that we'll never fully understand.

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