Apostle John Eckhardt - Unveiling the Essence: Exploring Sin and Redemption in Humanity

1 year ago

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Prophetic Word for July 2023 with Apostle John Eckhardt https://www.facebook.com/apostlejohneckhardt

Humanity, since the beginning, faces the problem of sin. It is a universal issue that has, to some degree, affected every nation and every generation. The Bible is a book that addresses the problem of sin and provides the solution. Therefore, when studying sin, the Bible becomes a comprehensive guide on the subject. Even though some individuals may avoid discussing it, and perhaps even preachers may shy away from preaching on it, the Bible is fundamentally about sin. It encompasses sin from the initial transgression in the garden to the sins of Babylon as depicted in the Book of Revelation. Sin, the problem itself, is the central theme of the Bible.

The Bible also presents the solution to sin, with Jesus coming to be made sin and offering Himself as a sacrifice. While there are other reasons for Jesus' coming, including giving abundant life, destroying the works of the devil, and various other subjects like faith, prosperity, prayer, intercession, deliverance, miracles, glory, worship, and praise, the primary reason for Jesus' arrival remains sin. He came to die for sin, and without addressing this root problem, humanity will always encounter numerous issues resulting from Adam's transgression. These problems manifest in the form of poverty, sickness, premature death, destruction, confusion, war, violence, and various other types of sins that stem from the consequences of Adam's sin. Sin and evil have afflicted humanity since the beginning.

The adoption of sin is termed "hamartiology," derived from the Greek word "hamartia," meaning "to miss the mark." Sin, at its core, is failing to hit the mark. However, it is crucial to understand that sin is not merely missing a target as one might miss a mark when shooting an arrow. Although serious, it is not the end of the world. Nonetheless, its root cause lies in missing the mark. Everyone has sinned; all have missed the mark and fall short of the glory of God, except Jesus, who lived without sin, never missing the mark.

In Scripture, other words like wickedness, iniquity, and transgression are also used to define sin. Nevertheless, the term "sin" is the most familiar. Hamartiology, the study of sin, holds significant importance. Now, why is it crucial to study this doctrine? While there are other doctrines in Scripture, such as eschatology (the doctrine of last things), soteriology (the doctrine of salvation), theology generally (the doctrine of God), pneumatology (the doctrine of the Spirit), and ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church), sin serves as the foundational doctrine. Understanding the other doctrines becomes challenging without comprehending the doctrine of sin. Hence, it is vital to delve into the study of this doctrine. In this particular book, we will explore it extensively, highlighting its significance.

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