Jews Rip Off Then Kill Whites? What happened in Spain Approx 1500 Years Ago?

1 year ago

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& The ADL Federal Reserve Corp DoD Israeli Intel Int’l Police Union UN WEF BlackRock for as long as they have been in existence w/ the Rothschild Adrenochrome Opium Cartel printing up US Currency on CIA Printing Presses in Switzerland, Israel, & China elections & court cases have been rigged to confiscate property & children using George Soros type Int’l Police Union UN ADL funds for Police Informants such as BLM, ANTIFA, & Israeli & Chinese Intel internationally mainly 3rd World Migrants into USA w/ the Trillions of Off-shored US Tax Dollars to destroy the USA.

In the 1950s, predominantly White & Farming Areas like Fargo North Dakota has schools infiltrated by Israeli & Chinese Intel Federal Reserve Corp Ardrenochrome Cartel DoD FBI CIA ADL operatives to get 12 to 14 year old girls to smoke cigarettes, then marijuana to get pregnant & to set up boys for be coming drunks &/or have their lives ruined by having at least 4 years in prison for marijuana.

The Courts run by Israeli Intel could then seize property & children for Rothschild Opium Adrenochrome Cartel ADL Int’l Police Union UN Affiliated Jewish Gay Mafia UN Cult of Satan Affiliates. #WBNemesis #Resist #BreakingNews #EndTheFed

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