EXTREME Try Not To Laugh part 1

1 year ago

Wild stuff happens when you're tying one off with your buddies. Good thing we have phone cameras to capture what would have otherwise been an unbelievable story.

You should know that plastic bottle caps are too small for modern recycling technology to pick up and sort, so it's best not to place them loosely in your recycling bin. Or you could collect them and repurpose them...somehow.

If you live with more than one cat, it can go one of two ways. Either they get along and your life moves along just fine...Or they're constantly fighting and make your life a living hell.

Cockroaches have been around since the time of the dinosaurs and can go up to a month without food and two weeks without water...So if you think you're just going to casually defeat this tiny monster with some half-assed effort... Think again.

This reminds me of the time I assured my boss that I had everything under control and not to worry. And then I got fired.

And... That's how I met your Mother.
Pigeons may have been the first bird domesticated by humans, and have served alongside us throughout multiple wars. Here's one dealing with a severe case of PTSD.

I don't know...If you were expecting your coffee to be completely still while on a moving train, the joke's on you.

The word umbrella comes from the Latin word "umbra" which means shade or shadow. Unfortunately the Latin language contains the word tempestas which means storm.

On the jobsite, you can count on your coworkers to be Johnny on the spot to help out if you find yourself in a precarious predicament. But you can also count on them to pull out their phone and film you looking like an idiot before they do.

Speed freaks out in the desert with no roads have to go to extreme measures to get their fix.

Shout out to all the people out there keeping the glass around us so spotless and clean that you can hardly even tell it's there.

Pop-its can be an extraordinary element of a fine prank...But incorporating them with the fear of electrocution is pure genius.
They just don't make plastic garden furniture like they used to.

Llamas are a highly social South American animal that have very versatile wool, can live up to 20 years, and grow to about six feet tall. And they spit.

When hanging out shirtless with a cowboy hat, there's only so much you can do to enhance your appearance to let everyone know you're down to get down.

What options do you have when you gotta get your car out of the paid parking lot, but you don't have any money? If you happen to have a hacksaw, you at least have options.

Security...I think we have an interloper who snuck in without buying a ticket.

When exploring foreign cultures, part of the experience is sampling local cuisine.


Our time together has drawn to a close. Unfortunate...I know. But no need to be sad, my friends. All you need to do is like this video and subscribe to our channel. We'll be back before you know it with another amazing video just for you. See you next time.

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