Fé, Sangre, Victoria - Mexican National Synarchist Song

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

Sweet Jesus, this one was hard to find, but thanks to my Fascist magic and deep connections to the OVRA overseas, we have rescued another song from oblivion!

The Mexican National Synarchist Union is a Mexican Fascist Party founded in 1937 as a reminiscence of the Catholic reaction that led to the Cristero War, created by José Antonio Urquiza, who was mudered in 1938, it advocated "an organization which works for the restoration of the fundamental rights of each citizen and the salvation of the Motherland".
Synarchism is a form of clerical Fascism, somewhat influenced by the papal encyclica "Rerum Novarum", which also influenced Austria's Vaterländische Front, and both Salaziarists and Franquists in Iberia. It openly supported the Axis during WW2, becoming one of the targets of the Americans, which worked hard to supress the party and avoid a possible german ally in the Americas. The Mexican government tried to "tame" their unrest by ceding the control of Baja California to them.
It still exists as of today, but is split into two organizations, one more leftist, the other one moving more toward right-wing, but both have the same philosophical roots.


Grande, firme, violenta
Nuestra fe nos alienta
Mil pasos adelante, ni uno atrás.
El Cielo lo ha votado:
Y nos los hemos jurado:
la Patria victoriosa surgirá!

¡Viva México!
¡Por Dios y por nosotros vivirá!

Patria, por tus honores
Cayeron los mejores
Su sangre precio fué de libertad.
Sus despojos, yacentes:
Mas sus almas presentes.
En los puestos de lucha siempre están

Los caídos - ¡Presentes!
¡Viva México!
¡Por Dios y por nosotros vivirá!

Las águilas potentes
Destrozan las serpientes
Y escrito han en el cielo: "Libertad"
Triunfo, Júbilo, Gloria
Sinarquismo - Victoria
De la causa de México será

¡Viva México!
¡Por Dios y por nosotros vivirá!

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