God's Heart is for the Oppressed, NOT the Oppressor. (Pt. 11) Forgiveness: What it is vs. is not.

1 year ago

We've been told that God loves all sinners, so that those who've been harmed by perpetrators and oppressors must simply forgive and forget,... regardless of whether the harmful person has ever accepted responsibility, acknowledged, confessed, or apologized. Nothing could be further from the truth! That erroneous and harmful teaching has infiltrated both churches and counseling offices, which has left countless Survivors, and victims of oppression, with false guilt, and with a distorted view of God's heart. In contrast, the truth of how God feels and acts toward both the oppressed and the oppressor will be the key truth to help Survivors heal, and move forward in confidence on the journey to healing.

In this episode of Journey to Healing, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, continues his series: "Forgiveness: What it is vs. What it is NOT," by looking at one of the most foundational truths revealed in Scripture, about how God feels toward those who've been harmed by perpetrators and oppressors. What can a Survivor expect from God when an oppressor or perpetrator has never acknowledged the harm they've caused? Does the pain experienced by the injured person matter to God? How does God respond toward a hurtful person who has not acknowledged and repented? The truth will truly help set free those deeply wounded & impacted by perpetrators.

Current Series on Forgiveness: What it is vs. What it is not.
(Pt. 1) Do You Have to Forgive Everyone, even if They're Not Sorry? What's the Truth? https://youtu.be/x-uF0HMji5E
(Pt. 2) Dispelling the Myth of Unconditional Forgiveness. https://youtu.be/oea9c-Wzp4I
(Pt. 3) God's Cares Deeply for those Wounded & Harmed, NOT for the Hurtful Pigs & Perps. https://youtu.be/oQrWh0H_ANY
(Pt. 4) Discerning when it is time to forgive. https://youtu.be/kZs2-oDvwts
(Pt. 5) Understanding when forgiveness is NOT to be extended. https://youtu.be/uFQK9TSufA8
(Pt. 6-a) What does it mean to "Love your enemies"? Did Jesus mean everyone no matter what? https://youtu.be/59CNctLJm8I
(Pt. 6-b) What does it mean to "Love your enemies"? Did Jesus mean everyone no matter what?
(Pt. 7) Does "Love your enemies" mean everyone? Jesus' actual word might surprise you. https://youtu.be/JVcW1gDhsZs
(Pt. 8) What exactly did Jesus mean by "Love your enemies?"
(Pt. 9) How does God feel about those who've harmed you?
(Pt. 10) God's justice will actively target oppressors on behalf of those they've hurt. https://youtu.be/Ww-ikamZ2CE

Jon K. Uhler, LPC, and Journey to Healing, can be watched live on TECNTV.com, Friday nights, 8-9pm EST in the US.

Additional Journey to Healing Episodes

Can you discern the difference between a wounded person vs. a manipulative pig? (Pt. 1)
Can you discern the difference between a wounded person vs. a manipulative pig? (Pt. 2)
The inevitable result of not identifying pigs in your life? (Pt. 1)
The inevitable result of not identifying pigs in your life? (Pt. 2)
Why Being Nice Sets You Up For Being Used. (Pt 1)
Why Being Nice Sets You Up For Being Used. (Pt. 2)
When Loving Them Is Harming You. (Pt. 1)
When Loving Them Is Harming You. (Pt. 2)
The High Cost of Having Patience with a Pig. (Pt. 1)
The High Cost of Having Patience with a Pig. (Pt. 2)
The inevitable result of assuming another person's responsibility (Pt 1)
The inevitable result of assuming another person's responsibility (Pt 2)
Do your boundaries have "Goodness of Fit"? (Pt . 1)
Do your boundaries have "Goodness of Fit"? (Pt. 2)
How to be sure it is time to implement boundaries. (Pt. 1)
How to be sure it is time to implement boundaries. (Pt . 2)
When is it time for Boundaries? (Pt. 1)
When is it time for Boundaries? (Pt. 2)
If you're Anxious, it is probably your Boundaries. (Pt. 1)
If you're Anxious, it is probably your Boundaries. (Pt. 2)
What is the Purpose of Boundaries? (Pt. 1)
What is the Purpose of Boundaries? (Pt. 2)
What you must have to set boundaries (Pt. 1)
What you must have to set boundaries. (Pt. 2)
Dealing with the #1 Source of Stress (Pt.1)
Dealing with the #1 source of Stress. (Pt. 2)

For earlier recorded Episodes, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.net/podcasts

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