Timeline of European Art and Music - The Eighth Century

1 year ago


0:00 - 700s - Benedictine Monks (English) - Christmas Gradual Viderunt Omens (based on Pslam 98) - Mass for Christmas Day

4:18 - 700s - Unknown (Spanish) - Sacrificium Vox clamantis - A Mozarabic chant. Mozarabic refers to the medieval Romance varieties spoken in the Iberian Peninsula in territories controlled by the Islamic rulers

9:06 - 700s - Unknown (Irish) - Be Thou My Vision - A traditional Irish Catholic hymn written in Gaelic and later translated to English

11:32 - 700s - Unknown (English) - Beowulf - In the poem, Beowulf's last words are - 'After they burn my body, tell my warriors to build a great burial mound on the cliffs that stick out into the sea. The sailors steering their ships on the gloomy waters will see it and call it Beowulf's barrow, and my people will remember me. '700s - Unknown (Irish) - Be Thou My Vision - A traditional Irish Catholic hymn written in Gaelic and later translated to English

13:34 - Late 700s - Paulinus II of Aquileia (Italian) - Versus de Herico Duce - From the Carolingian era of music, which was produced from the second half of the 8th century until the second half of the 9th century. Carolingian ruler, Charlemagne, was a great patron of church music.

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