The ultimate goal of the CCP is to destroy the Western financial system

1 year ago

8/3/2023 【Aila on @SteveGruber Show】Aila Wang: The House Select Committee on the CCP is not only investigating Binance but also conducting investigations into BlackRock and Morgan Stanley. The ultimate goal of the CCP is to destroy the Western financial system, and all of this goes back to their strategy of infiltrating the United States!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/3/2023 【小飞象参加史蒂夫·格鲁伯节目】小飞象:美国国会中共问题特设委员会不仅在调查币安,而且对贝莱德和摩根士丹利也在进行调查。中共的终极目标是摧毁西方的金融体系,而这一切都可以在中共渗透美国的策略上找到答案!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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