Free Now Foundation WLA - Dr. Shannon Kroner Aug 1, 2023

1 year ago

Dr. Shannon Kroner, author of the new children’s book “I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!"

Dr. Kroner is one of the busiest medical freedom fighters in the country since the introduction of SB 277 in 2015. She is a sought after speaker who has appeared at rallies, events, and on numerous podcasts.

Dr. Kroner first became aware of vaccine injuries in 2001, when she began working with vaccine injured families in her professional capacity as a clinical psychologist. Later, she suffered her own vaccine injury while pregnant with her first child.

In 2019, she founded Freedom Of Religion - United Solutions (FOR-US), uniting religious leaders from all faiths. Dr. Kroner has helped thousands of people successfully get religious medical exemptions.

Dr. Kroner wrote one of the first books on this subject specifically for children. They will need to understand that there was once a great battle to preserve these rights, and they need to be forever vigilant.

This book would also be valuable for any professional that works with young children; to help reduce discrimination against the “unvaccinated”. It is important for children who make different medical choices to have a voice.

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