Timeline of European Art and Music - The Sixteenth Century

1 year ago


0:00 - 1500 - Giovanni Palestrina (Italian) - Missa Marcelli III Credo - (Renaissance)
2:43 - 1500 - Josquin Des Prez (French) - Domine ne in furore - Weser - (Renaissance)
7:29 - 1501 - Petrucci - Harmonice Musices Odhecaton - (the first printed collection of polyphonic music)
16:10 - 1510 - Josquin des Prez - Missa de Beata Virgine
21:51 - 1520 - 1526 - Francesco Patavino (Italian) - Dilla da l'acqua
24:00 - 1539 - Jacques Arcadelt (Franco-Flemish) - Il primo libro di madrigali, Il bianco e dolce cigno
26:56 - 1550 - John Dowland (English) - The Frogg Galliard - (Renaissance)
29:02 - 1565 - Giovanni Palestrina (Italian) - Missa Papae Marcelli
32:25 - 1580 - Henry VIII (not certain) (English) - Greensleeves - (Renaissance)
35:39 - 1581 - Beaujoyeulx (French) - Ballet comique de la reine, La petite entrée
37:08 - 1593 - William Byrd (English) - Mass for Five Voices - (Renaissance)
43:28 - 1593 - William Byrd (English) - Mass for Four Voices - (Renaissance)
47:40 - 1596 - John Dowland (English) - Flow, my tears - (Renaissance)

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