Sector Zero - Kuniaki Haishima

1 year ago

"You’re our only hope, Samus.

Should we fall, the Ing will look to the stars for new planets to ravage and conquer. Your species could be their next victims. Do not relent. Press on! Once you reach the Sky Temple let nothing stay your hand.

Let the Light of Aether be your guide. May it serve you well in the darkness!"


Song: Sector Zero
Artist: Kuniaki Haishima
Album: Metroid: OtherM OST
Quote: U-Mos/Metroid Prime 2: Echos

There's a lot of different Metroid going on in this one, but at my core I'm always gonna be an Echos man. And trust me, those things in Metroid Dread ARE the Ing, just in robot form. This song was also on the last mix I put up, THE MASTER SWORD, but I think it works better here. It was always Samus' song anyways, not Links. I don't know what my obsession is with this song, to me it just feels so.....desperate. I used to play Other M just to get to this part to listen to it. Oh, and I liked Other M. Kind of.

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