Illinois Governor Signs Off On Total Anarchy

1 year ago

Chicago is just one of the United Nations subverted blue cities feeling the self inflicted pain of cow towing to Agenda 2030. The UN Agenda would have you believe that immigrants bring "significant benefits in the form of skills, strengthening the labor force, investment and cultural diversity...."

NBC reported "According to a city spokesperson, 10,019 migrants have arrived in Chicago over the past nine months, half of those by bus. With 4,151 migrants currently residing in temporary city shelters."

Big surprise, the residents aren't happy.

In his infinite stupidity, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker responded by signing off on HB 3751. A controversial bill allowing foreign nationals to become law enforcement officers, a move that critics blasted as “madness” for setting the stage to potentially deputize illegal aliens to arrest U.S. citizens in their own country.

Creating a police force made up of Non naturalized refugees. Ignorant of U.S. Law and the Constitution. Their only experience with law enforcement from Countries rife with corruption and brutality. Now cracking down on U.S. citizens that don't want them here in the first place.

We can expect thousands of similar tragedies like this one.

Illinois Governor Pritzker has crossed the Rubicon. He should be impeached or resign immediately. Pritzker is forcing Americans to reclaim their streets in what will explode into the Civil War the left insists on fomenting.

Bowne Report

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