How The World Will Be Repopulated During The Millennium: Not Everyone Will Take The Mark

1 year ago

Ever wonder how the world will be repopulated during the millennium of peace after the second coming of Jesus Christ & the resurrection & rapture of His saints after the tribulation? It is a question that those who believe in pretribulation rapture asks every historic premillennialist who believes in posttribulation rapture. The question is asked by dispensationalists who's theology operates from the perspective that everyone besides the tribulation saints & the 144,000 will take the mark of the beast. In this eschatological apologetic I will show through scripture (in Daniel, Zechariah, & the book of Revelation) that there will people besides the two aforementioned groups who will not take the mark. Also we will explore how dispensationalists get the edicts made by the false prophet wrong, by incorrectly classifying those edicts as an absolute events that all people will take the mark of the beast.

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