'Sandy Hook Hoax Final Report an American Snow Job - Redaction and Cover Up' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Dec 30, 2013

"Sandy Hook - an American Snowjob and Job Cover Up Hoax. What many of us knew since day one to be the case has now been "concluded" by the "final police report" proving we were right all along.. No evidence, no proof, just a lot of emotional mind games and "trust us we're the government" nonsense. Complete with a gun safe with a teddy bear on top.

Sandy Hook is, and will always be a fat American Snow Job Hoax an enormously botched staged event finalized with a poorly concocted cover up censorship job- with a goal of furthering the gun control agenda. This hoax will inevitably ultimately be used to achieve a number of other strategic ends for the criminals in charge as well:

1. Gun Control.
A. reduction of rounds.
B. reduction of gun options
C. "mental health" screening (read no conspiracy theorists allowed to own guns).

2. Vilification of conspiracy theorists/conspiracy researchers - Lanza was supposedly obsessed with mass shootings - anyone who researches mass shootings could be a super shooter just like the fake Adam Lanza is the message.

3. "Anyone Could be a Shooter" - Upper class white kid who goes to college 2 years early and is "very smart" yet very stupid and mentally handicapped is a shooter. This is complete with "no warnings" about what would happen- anyone, anytime, anywhere could be super killer- everyone needs to lose their gun rights.

4. The Public will now believe anything, even if there is no actual proof dry run- Believing a very ridiculous story, only based on hearsay and the government telling people it happened- with no proof, and no evidence.. sets a precedent that was a dry-run test, which will inevitably be followed by more hoaxes.

5. Changes to long-existing laws for freedom of information can now be changed to to completely fictional events in this case the Connecticut Freedom of information act law was changed, and such changes to law because of staged events will becomes normal -

6. Dry Run regarding how much Surveillance Camera footage can be completely ignored- Never ONCE has the complete lack of the surveillance camera footage at the door of this fake event been covered by "law enforcement" or the news.

This lack of surveillance during Sandy Hook (used as a dry-run) was then followed by the LAX shooting- LAX completely filled with cameras- not one moving video of anything released to the public.. and our "amazing" media once again didn't question it's total omission...

The American Snow Job - Sandy Hook - Is now "complete" with this Redacted Cover Up report to many Americans, but it is up to an informed American public to make sure its fake legacy does not go according to plan. It is only an informed American public asking serious questions and demanding to see the proof of this event that can stop this event from working for those in power, and future events similar to this one working as well, further reducing our rights."

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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