'Kenneth Feinberg - "Pay Czar" for 9/11, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, BP Oil Spill' - 2013

1 year ago

Published Dec 19th 2013

"Please Read the Disclaimer at the Bottom Regarding Zionism:

It's amazing that a man in charge of paying Americans compensation for disasters doesn't think "life should be fair".. and has clearly stated that he is worried about Jewish people becoming American and losing their loyalty to Israel and instead being loyal to America instead. This Zionist was in charge of payouts for the 9/11 Attacks (which the State of Israel was implicated in), Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston, Agent Orange, the Holocaust, The B.P. Oil Spill, the Banker Bailout Scandal and the Zaprudar film, amongst other litigation.

He got payment to the corrupt CEOs during the Bailout Scandal very quickly.. but many people with plenty of paperwork starving to death from The Gulf Spill couldn't get compensated to save their lives.

Isn't it at all strange to anyone else that one man is in charge of all these tragedies?

He's not even done with BP litigation, yet he continues to take on more claimants in new "tragedies" such as Sandy Hook.

What's even more worrying is he clearly states he doesn't want Jewish people to assimilate into America. Isn't America a melting pot? Why is it all other cultures are supposed to mix together and be loyal to America, but it is "worrisome" that Jewish people do the same and should be ultimately loyal to America, not Israel?

How can this man be in charge of disbursements for every single American disaster and tragedy, when he doesn't believe life "should be fair" and is a racist who doesn't believe in the mixing of cultures- who doesn't believe Jewish people should be American?

Disclaimer: Some people don't seem to understand the difference between a Zionist and a Jewish person. let me clear this up: This is not an anti-Jewish video, this is an anti-Zionist video. What is the difference between a Jew and a Zionist? Quite a bit actually.

Judaism is a religion- Zionism is a political movement - True Judaism doesn't believe there should be a state of Israel, Zionism is all about promoting and building a State of Israel as was pointed out by an Orthodox Jewish person here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IapWP8...

It is a not-so-well-known fact that many Orthodox Jews are anti- Zionist. There have been many rallies of many Orthodox and other Jews against Zionism in New York and other cities. Zionism is a political movement supporting the State of Israel and its policies above all others.

Judaism is actually against having any sort of nation-state homeland, it's in the Torah. Like Joe Biden said: "You Don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist"

Many Zionists put the State of Israel's interests ahead of America, and I would put Feinberg in this grouping. These people are very dangerous because they're living in one country, controlling its policies and economics, yet are ultimately loyal to another country many don't care what happens to America as long as it furthers the agenda of Israel.

If a man ultimately loyal to Vietnam and a group of his cronies were working for the interests of Vietnam, Americans would be pissed off- and wondering why this man who is ultimately loyal to another country is in charge of payouts for some of the largest disasters in American history, but because it's Israel, and Americans are terrified of being called "antisemitic" people are conditioned to be afraid to say anything.

That's the power the term "antisemitism" holds, which is in fact a bogus, misused term, as Arabs are also Semites, and most Americans have been brainwashed to hate Arabs (a Semitic people), and if you hate Arabs you are actually by definition anti-Semitic. Many Jewish people are in fact ironically anti-Semitic because they hate Arabs.

This isn't about disliking a racial group or a religion- this is about realizing when a sleeper group is working for the best interests of another nation state, calling out that group, and standing your ground pointing out how ridiculous their slurs of being "antisemitic" actually are. I'm not an anti-Semite- I am an anti-Zionist and pro-American there is a huge difference.

Watch also:

Hood: "Feinberg is BP" (Lawsuit filed against Feinberg) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNcGq8...

60 Minutes Kenneth Feinberg-Gulf Coast Claims Administrator Fields Angry Questions : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQkAnV...

Feinberg Speaks before the Council on Foreign Relations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE3dsF..."

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