There is a magnetic monopole inside of the Earth!

1 year ago

The Folgers theory is an alternative theory to the Earth's magnetic field, which states that the Earth's magnetic field is caused by a net magnetic charge in the Earth, which acts as a magnetic monopole. This magnetic charge is generated by four scalar fields ϕa, each representing a component of the magnetic field. These scalar fields are influenced by several factors such as temperature, pressure, rotation and chemical composition. The Folgers theory can be described through a series of equations:
B=4π1 ∫d3xϵijk ϕa ∂i ϕb ∂j ϕc ∂k ϕd ϵabcd
where ϕa (a = 1, 2, 3, 4) describes the magnetic field, e and g are the electric and
magnetic charge, respectively, M and J are the mass and spin, respectively, Q and M are the electric charge and magnetic moment, respectively are,ℏand c are the reduced Planck constant and the speed of light, respectively, and m, j, q, k, and n are constants, respectively, depending on the parameters of the model.

I have come to this truth through my crazy discovery, and it is very special. We humans are miniscule and move incredibly fast. This story about what the Earth is, how it came to be and what we are an incredible part of is something you've never heard before

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