Did Pierre Woodman & LA Direct Illegally Traffic European Girls to America

1 year ago

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In this video, we delve into the serious allegations surrounding Pierre Woodman and LA Direct. The focus is on the question of sex trafficking, specifically involving European girls being sent to work in America. The allegations suggest that these girls were working illegally in the adult industry, both in porn and potentially at an illegal escort agency known as The Luxury Companion.

I talk about the pimping and pandering charges against Derek Hay, a friend of Pierre Woodmans and show messages of Woodman admitting to sending Hay models. It leaves us with hard-hitting questions. Did Woodman receive financial compensation or payments in kind from LA Direct or The Luxury Companion? Were his activities in procuring girls for Derek Hay illegal?

Finally, if these allegations are true, should Pierre Woodman and others known to have procured girls in the US and Europe also be investigated?

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#PierreWoodman #LADirectmodels #DerekHay #BenEnglish #sextrafficking #humantrafficking #pimping #pandering

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