August 3, 2023

1 year ago

It used to seem to me That our life ran way too fast
And we had to take it slowly reconnect with God at last
we thought we had to run seemed so hard to just slow down
the path to the Abba Father through Yeshuah’s found

We'll be back God most high life again
All the doors we closed through time He’ll open up again
We'll be back God most high life again
the Messiah we rejected once returns for Benjamin

and we’ll feast and dance at jubilee as told before in Prophecy
Lamb now lion from Judahs tree
find God most high life again

Most high God is best life from death for you and me
first you hope then finding faith there small like a mustard seed
restoring our lost time all the battles is are won
millenial kingdom come in son of David yeah God’s Son

take god’s most high life again
All the doors we closed through time He’ll open up again
We'll be back God’s most high life again
messiah we rejected once will smile and take us in
He returns to set the captive free its Paid in full upon a tree
teletestai calvary
Back God’s most high life

God’s most hi gh life
We'll be back God most high life again
All the doors we closed through time He’ll open up again
We'll be back God most high life again
the Messiah we rejected once returns for Benjamin
Heel crushed the head of the enemy reclaim God’s given liberty
He paid but free for you and me
return to God’s life again
God Most high
High Life

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