The Sirius Mystery Revisited - Prof. Robert Temple at Origins Conference (2014)

1 year ago

I've not looked very closely at the Sirius Mystery before. I naively assumed the Dogon people were an African race. They arrived in Mali, eventually, from Egypt and the origin of their ancestral familiarity with beings from Sirius was in Egypt. They are really refugees from Egypt and probably bypassed the cultural censorship of the truth by being long lost and forgotten. That's probably why the CIA got so hot and bothered about Temple's book when it's contents reached the attention of their true masters.

Here's a very good and interesting recent podcast interview with Robert Temple that explores a wide range of ancient middle eastern cultural, tribal relationships and influences.

Earth Ancients Podcast 2023-07-15

Convincing evidence that the Egyptian, Sumerian, and Dogon civilizations were founded by aliens from the Sirius star system who are now ready to return

• Updated with 140 pages of new scientific evidence that solidifies the hypothesis that the KGB, CIA, and NASA attempted to suppress

• An awe-inspiring work of research that calls for a profound reappraisal of our role in the universe

• Over 10,000 copies sold in its first two months of release in Britain

Publication of The Sirius Mystery in 1976 set the world abuzz with talk of an extraterrestrial origin to human civilization and triggered a 15-year persecution campaign against Robert Temple by the KGB, CIA, NASA, and other government agencies. Undaunted, however, Temple is back, with 140 pages of new scientific evidence that makes his hypothesis more compelling than ever.

Many authors have speculated on the subject of extraterrestrial contact, but never before has such detailed evidence been presented. Temple applies his in-depth knowledge of ancient history, mythology, Pythagorean physics, chaos theory, and Greek, to a close examination of the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built to align directly with the star Sirius. He concludes that the alien civilization of Sirius and our own civilization are part of the same harmonic system, and are destined to function and resonate together. His findings warrant a profound reappraisal of our role in the universe.

Robert Temple is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, the Egyptian Exploration Society, the Royal Historical Society, the Institute of Classical Studies, and the Institute of Historical Research. He is the author of nine books, including Conversations with Eternity and The Genius of China. Most recently he and his wife, Olivia, published The Complete Fables of Aesop to international acclaim. He lives in London.

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