Waffen SS Division "HITLERJUGEND". The First And Last Serious Battle Of The "Baby Division".

1 year ago

He served as a soldier of the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend". With his memoirs, we with you will learn about what the German soldiers had to suffer in the Battle of Normandy.
This division was known as the "Baby Division", but the stubbornness with which they struggled for every meter of the French land was something that surprised everyone. Their resilience and fighting spirit were way higher than the other German divisions in this battle. Had all the divisions of the German Army in Normandy fought at the same high level, it could have resulted in the Normandy landings being a complete disaster....

You can watch this video on YouTube by following the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxstv0gyXGU

#history #easternfront #worldwarII #technic #wehrmacht

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