Forced Lockdown-Forced Hate...

1 year ago

Remember how the whole world was forced into Lockdown, every leader went along with the show. Now the very same people are busy orchestrating immense Hate for Russia and blaming Russia for everything wrong in the world. They needed to refocus the world`s attention from the damage caused by the forced lockdowns, how lives were destroyed, how jobs were destroyed, how everything we held dear was destroyed! So they talked up this `brutal war` everyday the media bombarded the masses with war talk, and why Russia is the reason gas prices and oil and coal and food prices have gone up.
Take for example the declaration of an anonymous (why anonymous?) senior Pentagon official that: “Russia has committed nearly 85 percent of its military to the war in Ukraine” and “has removed military coverage from other areas on their border and around the world”; Russia “still has not figured out how to use combined arms effectively”; Russia is “taking hundreds of casualties a day”. Among Russia’s military fatalities have been “thousands” of lieutenants and captains, “hundreds” of colonels, and “many” generals. What is shocking is how the “free press” in the “free world” is adamant about echoing and amplifying the official line as if it were complicit in the war.
And to feed the other side.." Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned this week that war is coming to Russia after kamikaze drone attacks targeted skyscrapers in Moscow’s financial district, as his country’s forces continued to score small-scale territorial successes against Russian troops in Ukraine’s east and south.
So nothing in the media about how millions of lives were destroyed by worldwide lockdowns and coerced vaccinations. No, let`s focus on this `brutal war`.

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