Private Jet Talk with Bob Proctor | Paradigm Shift

6 years ago

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Bob Proctor teaches on Paradigms and the importance of attending our upcoming Paradigm Shift event!

You know, the average person, not the average person, the majority of people, are not doing what they know how to do. Everyone knows how to do better than they're doing.

And they're really puzzled in why they're not doing it. And they make up their mind they're gonna start doing it. Then, it lasts for a day or two, and then they stop again. It's like salespeople. They should make more calls. If you've made one more call a day, that's 50 calls a year. But suppose you call just 10 percent of them, That's five more sales. What's your average commission?

There's so many different things that come in under paradigm. I frequently asked an individual, do you believe you can earn more money than you're earning? And invariably, every one of them will say yes. Then I'll say, Well why aren't you earning it because you want it? And they're not quite sure. Let me explain.

Your conscious mind is your educated mind. That's where you gather information, it's where you reason things, you think things out. And you know that you could earn more money. However, you believe it, and you've got to believe it or it ain't going to happen. But on a subconscious level, where the paradigm is, you don't believe it.

See, our results are the manifestation or the expression of the paradigm. And the paradigm is nothing but a multitude of ideas that have been passed along genetically, and then environmentally in our little life when we're babies.

We're really a product of our environment to an enormous degree. But when you start to really understand paradigms, everything starts to change. See, I changed. I did the thing you should do to change. I didn't know what I was doing. I was what you'd call an unconscious competent.

But I went from starvation wages, always being broke, to earning over a billion dollars a year, in less than five years. My life changed so fast. I had no formal education. I had no business experience, and I'd been raised to believe, if you're gonna earn a lot of money, you've got to be really smart. I knew I wasn't that smart. So I thought what the heck happened? And I began to study.

It took me nine and a half years. And when I got it figured out, it came right down, it was my paradigm. I had shifted the paradigm. I'd been raised [with a] certain belief system, and I changed my belief system. See, our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something, and frequently when we reevaluate our situation, our belief about it will change. Well, I believe about myself, who I was, what I was capable of doing changed.

Didn't change by accident. It changed because I was doing the right thing. In the Paradigm Shift program, I am gonna show you what the right thing is. Now, this is all recorded. I don't care where you are in the world. We will stream this to you. The last one we streamed into 113 countries. The information is invaluable. It truly is.

I want you to make a commitment right now, and I'm gonna tell ya. I'm gonna deliver. But make a commitment right now. You're gonna get into the streaming, if you're not able to get into the live seminar. Get into the live one. I mean it is even-- You get into the energy of the audience. It's phenomenal.

But if you're not able to do that, get into the streaming, and really pay attention. I will show you how to make a change in your life, and what you have to do to make it stick. See, the beautiful thing-- If you change a paradigm, it's permanent.

The change is huge, and it's permanent.

I'm gonna explain that to you, and you're gonna love it.

Trust me.

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