Happy Birthday Bob Proctor - Proctor Gallagher Institute

2 years ago

Over these last days, our mourning and our healing have intertwined.
Our gratefulness has become as great as our loss.

Each of us has found our path to peace, while coming together in loving you Bob and how you left us better humans.

For all of your gifts, it was your power to love us that remains. You taught us to embrace the world around us, the beauty inside each soul. You believed we could do anything we set our mind to and whispered in our ears that every simple thing we did mattered.

You taught us to see life and all its beauty through your eyes. You gave us the power we would need to live our own.

We are consoled every time we see something or someone wonderful and beautiful because it reminds us of the color you brought to each of us.

We were blessed to have you as a friend, partner, teacher, coach, lover of life and inspiration. We are forever better.

Happy birthday, Bob!

- Sandy Gallagher

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