10 MINUTES OF CRAZY, INSANE & EPIC Motorcycle Clips of 2023 #23

1 year ago

In today's video a biker comes up on a scene with a rider that just got into a head on crash wit a car! Several bikers are cut off by bad drivers, lots of low sides, slipping and a mirror smash! Plus much much more! Watch it all unfold here, these are some of the craziest and epic motorcycle moments of 2023!

Thank you for watching the best motorcycle road rage, close call & crash videos! I hope you found this video entertaining as well as educational! Please consider leaving a LIKE and COMMENT if you would like me to continue the biker road rage, crashes, close calls videos!

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TheElectricBoy - ​​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3R5Y5K0Xfg&ab_channel=TheEletricboy
TheElectricBoy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED6O4vudWsY&lc=UgxbhZbffrXYlsFcJM94AaABAg.9UFMC1k30ME9UFNuNPhMdZ
Khool Breezee Rhyder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlVTrg92HVA
Hambone20 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3-XyliH87I&lc=UgyCu2h3KtLDGv4p3E14AaABAg.9UDTAMIlMa19UDVo1MzKQ_
Shapollyn da Xre - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-72nU0Z4jtE&lc=UgztYJkRRVeuFE03aL94AaABAg.9TvjBN0iar_9U060TdTyK1
Vlad Cruiser - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6G8Q0n3KC0&lc=UgxXkqw_vY-kPV1qhNZ4AaABAg.9Tvfq0yfTVZ9Tw-yOfxawI&ab_channel=VladCruiser
Jeremiah Halpin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSfhO5U1thg&lc=UgxMFfoyIwXaSpQBSQ54AaABAg.9UFNEA4wZuE9UFP5bU8JmM
Brian Ford - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T7OoZjudoo&lc=UgyMSVek1DFgJzxSntR4AaABAg.9UFMZUg1YiB9UFOo_cfGMn
FozBox - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5niBEO0m4yY
Ubiaan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5er-g9palI&lc=UgyUcRp7A2ocw3f7rr94AaABAg.9UDcW9_Sbcc9UDgbezf0Yg
Walid Wahba - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzdCTjvB-VI&lc=UgzQZP3VHC_EZyMoYXR4AaABAg.9UD_vP5qa589UDaF871ZzE
Renato Moto RJ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhCdshiM8dU&lc=Ugwls4WexToMCU2f1Sh4AaABAg.9UDYwi-wVYX9UDgV8QjhtD
RPMoto - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yad2ZDNZ50o&lc=UgzxsxYRRNU4ZWBaBdN4AaABAg.9UDZ2D9pJzw9UEyAhzy47E
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🌠 These are some of the best motorcycle road rage and crashes of 2023. Just wait the best motorcycle road rage and crashes of 2024 will be even better! Thank you for supporting the series and I hope to continue to make these motorcycle videos for you

❗️ INFO ❗️
These videos are solely used for education purposes on road safety and how better conduct yourself on the road. All clips used with owners permission.

📺 We feature: motorcycle crashes and close calls, motorcycle road rage, bad drivers, fails, instant karma, motorcycle vs cops, motorcycle vs angry people, mirror smash #motorcycle #motovlog #closecall #roadrage #crash #crashes

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