Njet Molotoff! - Finnish Winter War Song

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

Well, this one speaks for itself. Be proud, Finns!
The invincible Red Army bowed for you!
Just remember that the Soviets had more than three times as many soldiers as the Finns, thirty times as many aircraft, and a hundred times as many tanks,and yet they died as pigs in the snow, falling for the guns of a handful of farmers and soldiers. This is what happens when your paranoia is so big that you kill all your military High Command, Stalin!


Finlandia, Finlandia,
sinne taas matkalla oli Iivana.
Kun Molotoffi lupas' juu kaikki harošii,
huomenna jo Helsingissä syödään marožii
Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff,
valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff.

Finlandia, Finlandia,
Mannerheimin linja oli vastus ankara.
Kun Karjalasta alkoi hirmu tulitus,
loppui monen Iivanan puhepulistus.
Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff,
valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff.

Finlandia, Finlandia,
sitä pelkää voittamaton Puna-Armeija.
Ja Molotoffi sanoi että katsos torppas niin,
Tšuhna aikoo käydä meitä kraivelista kii.
Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff,
valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff.

Uralin taa, Uralin taa,
siellä onpi Molotoffin torpan maa.
Sinne pääsee Stalinit ja muutkin huijarit,
politrukit, komissaarit ja petroskoijarit.
Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff,
valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff.

PS.: Some words are not in Finnish but in Russian, representing Molotov's accent, as well as "Njet" and "Finlandia". I've translated all of them because it would be better for the lyrics, except Chukhnas, a russian ethinc slur for "Finns".

P.P.S: Nikolay Bobrikov was the governor of the Duchy of Finland during the Russian Empire, and his tyrannical rulership and attempted Russification started Finland's "Years of Oppression", which made the finnish population protest against him, refusing to joint he army and even rioting. He was then murdered by a Finnish nationalist in Helsinki

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