A Conversation with Howard Koolman - 30th July 2023: Part 4 - Nutrition and Fasting

1 year ago

The name I was trying to recall was Rafe Kelley, the founder of EMP:
"Evolve Move Play is an ecology of practices aimed at creating a deeper sense of meaning in life by reconnecting to Movement, Mindfulness, Nature, and Community. "

On cooking vegetables, various views:
"Boiling the veggies causes water-soluble contents such as vitamins and folate leach into the water. Unless you will drink the broth along with the veggies, it’s not a healthy option to cook food... Cooking the veggies can actually increase the antioxidants. For example, when foods like carrots and tomatoes are cooked, the beta carotene and lycopene are enhanced. Their quantity increases four times when cooked."

Effect of different cooking methods on vegetable oxalate content:
"Approximately 75% of all kidney stones are composed primarily of calcium oxalate, and hyperoxaluria is a primary risk factor for this disorder.... Boiling markedly reduced soluble oxalate content by 30-87% and was more effective than steaming (5-53%)..."

"How to eliminate or diminish oxalates from the diet. The first step is to consume few oxalates. Boiling these vegetables (spinach, chard, rhubarb and beets) and combining with calcium rich foods are other alternatives."

"Blanching is a heat-and-cool process that plunges a fruit or vegetable into boiling water for a short amount of time before transferring it to an ice bath, which quickly stops the cooking. "

On fasting:
"Mattson has also researched the protective benefits of fasting to neurons. If you don’t eat for 10–16 hours, your body will go to its fat stores for energy, and fatty acids called ketones will be released into the bloodstream. This has been shown to protect memory and learning functionality, says Mattson, as well as slow disease processes in the brain."

"Fasting may provide several health benefits, including weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and decreased inflammation. It might also offer protection against certain conditions like cancer and neurodegenerative disorders."

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