Tucker Carlson Ice Cube Softball Interview Part 2, I Wanna Sam - Real Free News Extra

1 year ago

Tuck sat down with blact Iced Cupcake for a softball interview...
Why didn't Tuck ask any real questions to the wannabe tough guy, who dresses up in little gangster costumes, and sings songs about killing white people. Ice Cupcake has a song called "I Wanna Kill Sam" where he sings about killing White Americans. Why didn't Tucker ask about that song? Is Tuck scared of fake gangstas?


#tuckercarlson #icecube #interview #icecuckoo #cuckoo #puffpiece #pattycake #profanity #swearing #nwa #compton #straightouttacompton #comotonca #gangsta #wannabegangsta #wannabetoughguy #badactor #fakegangsta #la #laca #gangstatalk

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