What s the most fucked up thing the US government has done? #usa #america #american #usgovernment

1 year ago

#reddit #reddittymes #tymes #reddittymestoday
You want this chronological or alphabetical?
I mean, there was the time the national guard shot and killed coal miners and their families who were being horribly exploited by coal companies so they were striking. See also: the Ludlow massacreAnd the time they decided to routinely sterilize native American women. And the Guatemala syphilis experiments
The CIA testing birth control on unsuspecting women in Puerto Rico
The things they haven’t been caught for.
The Dred Scott Decision, involvement in the Vietnam War, Agent Orange, and slavery are the most flocked up that I can think of.
I’m sure that for every flocked up thing we know about there are even worse things that we don’t.
Agent Orange , depleted uranium Arms that polluted battlefields (people's homelands) and left generations of people with birth defects after the war was "done"
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
sent me a letter telling me that I had figured my taxes wrong. if they knew, why didn't they just do it for me?
*shuffles deck* *picks card* not doing anything about the aids epidemic
Gulf of Tonkin, and subsequently the vietnam war.
The Trail of Tears is pretty up there for most flocked up thingEdit:Yes I know slavery happened, I'm not arguing that this was worse i just named the first thing that popped into my head.
We over threw a democratically elected government in Iran when the people didnt vote for who we wanted.Edit: Down with the military industrial complex! Great nations don't fight endless wars!
The MKUltra lsd mind control experiments from the 1950s.
Throwing citizens in internment camps during ww2.
The Eugenics movement, where disabled, ‘feeble-minded’, and the mentally ill were sterilized against their will to ‘improve the human race’.
Decimated the Native American population, and then gave them the worst land and doomed them to poverty.
I'm gonna go with not doing anything to stop the brutal lynching, rape and murder of African Americans up until the 60s
Remember that time the CIA allowed a Nicaraguan cartel to sell cocaine in America to fund a civil war. Basically started the 80s crack epidemic in black communities.
Not a single act but breaking over 170 treaties with Native people is pretty shitty.
Please sit down, this might take a while.
I think the most flocked up thing is something they covered up so well, we’ll never know it even existed.
The overthrowing of legitimate governments to replace them with dictators in the name of fighting communism. Happened in Iran and all over Latin America.
Not the most flocked up thing but still flocked in the 1980s when the cia distributed crack to the black communities. I remember the first time I watched boys in the hood my dad explained that to me
Privatization for profit of our prison systems
Probably MK Ultra
Besides slavery???The Trail of Tears. Where they forced Native Americans out of their homeland to the West. Just because they wanted their land. Killed around 15,000 Native Americans. Tell me that’s not flocked up...
Aiding Augusto Pinochet in a military coup against Chile. He reigned as a brutal dictator for decades, all because the US didn't like that they elected a socialist.
Today? In the last hour? Give us a window! Otherwise this can be a VERY hard task.
Manifest Destiny. The only difference between it and hitler's "hunger plan" was that manifest destiny worked. most historians consider the US expansion westward as a genocide.
Send a letter to MLK asking him to commit suicide.
Slavery, Trail of Tears, Japanese Internment, MK Ultra, Citizens United.
Filling the history books full of lies. Genocide of the Native Americans was horrible but lying about it is unforgivable.
Indian genocide and slavery.
Finance conflicts in South American and Caribbean countries to “disprove†the socialist economic theory and undermine the stability and integrity of communist governments.

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