@christianguzman Release your Tight Chest with Postural Exercises.

1 year ago

This is meant as constructive feedback for improvement. I admire Christian's relentless work ethic and courage, I've been a follower for years. I think this video could help him and others dealing with the same type of issue. I have also experienced similar chest tightness and postural issues. I’m gunna keep banging the drum that bodybuilders training for aesthetics should invest in postural exercises. It is one of the most overlooked areas. Adding mass is obviously key for developing your physique but addressing your posture can have an equal impact, as aesthetics are about shape. Go stand in the mirror right now and compare your physique with slouched posture and then with your chest out, shoulders down, and core tucked. MASSIVE difference. Not to mention, postural imbalance is not great for general mobility and overall function of your body. If you’re in the gym banging away adding muscle to your frame, start investing a little time in postural exercises too! You won’t regret it. The recommendations in this video are relatively simple but I’ve got loads of other videos addressing posture so give my page a scroll. #posture #bodybuilding #aesthetics #musclegain #posturefix #posturecheck #bodybuilder #physiquecompetitor

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