Treating COPD

1 year ago

Treating COPD

Vitamin E 300mg (must be Tocotreinals)
Take 3 x a day on an empty stomach - this will reduce oxidative stress in the lungs and will reduce inflamation stopping fribroses

Vitamin D3 40000iu once a day - anti-inflammitory is the closest thing to cortisol the steriod. But without the side affects

Intermitant fasting, eat only once a day and Prolong Fasting for 72 hours every 2 weeks will initiate stem cells to replace damaged lung cells and stimulate autophagy which will recycle fibrosis tissue

No Carbs, your body will switch to Keytones which are anti-inflammitory.

Vitamin C from food such as whole lemons including the peel. Vitamin C is another anti-inflammitory and it will increase your oxygen and reduce your CO2

Vitamin B1 helps make it easier to withdraw from smoking

Osha Root is a native American Indian Remedy you may want to consider

Morman tea

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