The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Cheer Up We Already Have The Victory!

1 year ago

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Can we all agree that life can be challenging Warriors Of Light?
We can easily get depressed or disgusted just watching the news or checking our social media feeds.
However in the Body Of Christ we have already have the victory over all of the works of the enemy. When Jesus said: "It is finished", everything we needed to overcome all trouble was inherited to us with that most powerful exchange.

Study, know the word better than you know your favorite song. Act on that word. Commune with Christ daily. Do the things that he instructs you to do. Won't be long before your problems become opportunities to show just how great our God is. Let's Rock!

Video Credits:

VICTORY (Christian Short Film)
Kyun Heo

Novella - Sweet Rising Sun
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Real 80s CCM

Christ-Centered Rock 'n' Roll For Your Soul!
The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth!
On US Sports Radio

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