People Say Why My Duas Are Not Being Answered | Mufti Menk

1 year ago

📌#MuftiMenk enlightens how to #dua (#supplication)get answered by Allah (swt)mentioning why is it that we make a Dua or what is known as a supplication and we don't see the reply the response, we don't see it sometimes. What's the reason; Rasulullah (saw)has told us that whenever any one of you make dua it is always responded to, Allah replies, Allah responds sometimes we get what we wanted masha'Allah, sometimes we get what we want a little bit later on sometimes we get something in place of what we had asked because Allah knows that is better for us and sometimes Allah (swt) keeps in store for us something in layer of that #prayer or that supplication in the #Akira, so this is all part and parcel of what Allah has chosen for us.

Mufti Menk makes mention of some important issues before or while making dua in the light of #Quran & #Hadiths in this lecture with English subtitle for example cleaning one’s slate to Allah, be regular in #salah, not using swearing words, be patient, etc.
2:44 dua
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَهَبْ لِي مُلْكًا لَّا يَنبَغِي لِأَحَدٍ مِّن بَعْدِي إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ
rabbi ighfir lee wahab lee mulkan la yanbaghee li-ahadin min baAAdee innaka anta alwahhabu
"O my Lord! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom, not (will) belong to anyone after me. Indeed, You [You] (are) the Bestower."
AYAH Sad 38:35

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