Episode 1408: Are you a Fake Catholic?

1 year ago

I told you about a woman in a previous episode that when I was discussing STJ it's started a conversation around forcing the veil and Priests hearing confession during mass. While she had many things wrong for instance….
She was basically mouthing nonsense that many people do when they are either ignorant to the truth or ignorant to the faith. After I explained the reason for both the veils and the need for confession prior to receiving the eucharist she went to the tried-and-true failed debate tactic and that is when you are losing just attack the character and she said
“My mom told me watch out for people that act Pius because they are really evil people”
Now I was told that I misunderstood her comment, and she wasn’t speaking about me. Hmmm not sure I agree with that
BUT let’s go down the road she was pointing to because there is a good point and that is being fake. Now there is a difference between being fake and falling and getting back up and going at it again. The latter is called being part of our fallen human nature. But Many liberal Catholics and non-Catholics attack the sacrament of confession by saying if you fall how dare you think you can be forgiven and get back into the state of grace. You are a fake.
Sorry that’s not the way it is and only Christ knows your heart. Go to confession as often as you can because you must remain in the state of grace. Now as for her comment “My mom told me watch out for people that act Pius because they are really evil people”

First, for all it’s a cowardice statement even for a woman because if she eventually heard it long long enough from her mother and she agreed it would no longer be her mothers statement but hers. She needs to take ownership of the statement instead of being duplicitous. Own you insult. Second, she is correct with certain Catholics. They don’t just fall they own the fall.

A hypocrite is someone who pretends to have virtues, beliefs, or qualities that they do not actually possess. This term can be applied to individuals in any religious or non-religious context when there is a significant inconsistency between their words and actions. It is important to note that hypocrisy is not specific to any particular religious group but can be found in various walks of life.

In Matthew 23:27-28
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

We as Catholic must evangelize or we will be judge for not doing so. But at the same time we MUST walk the TALK. For me this is a daily struggle. For me I have to get a day of prayer around me to protect me from doing things that are hypocritical. Why? Because the Devil sifts me like wheat unless I have Christ and the Blessed Mothers protection. So in response to the woman who said those who act pius are devils in disguise she is missing one huge element. We are all battling the devil and it’s a matter of taking away our protective shield of piousness and being a fool and falling and getting back up or simply getting sifted like wheat.

So let me let you hear this priests sermon on the fake Catholics. I am so encouraged by these young priests they have ditched the hippy priest generation of faith and morals and are actually getting back to Christs work. They are saving souls and evangelizing.

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