Talent Show Starring Adalia Rose And Her Family

8 years ago

To describe what life is like for Adalia Rose Williams is not an easy task. Despite it all, the disease that causes rapid aging hasn’t stopped her from being a happy child. Many of her videos have shown how lucky she is to live with a family like hers. Adalia is one of a kind: extremely fun, positive and confident and her parents are very happy to have her.

In this video, you can see Adalia and her parents performing some cool tricks. The first thing is a toast flip. Adalia’s father is holding a piece of toast and she is kissing it for luck. The first time he fails in putting the toast into the toaster, but after a few tries his throw is successful. Every family member is screaming in excitement. The father then pulls out another similar trick, but this time with a baseball cap.

The bottle flip challenge is a piece of cake for Adalia’s father. Therefore, he attempts at something even more advanced: APPLESAUCE! After this amazing flip, Ryan, Adalia’s dad, shows an incredible cheerleader X jump, which is, in fact, a high jump with legs spread apart and attempt at touching the toes with the hands. His son then tries to copy him, but being so young, he is not as good as he thinks he is. The video ends when Adalia presents some of her spiraling dance skills on the floor. It is so fascinating!

Watch as Adalia Rose and her family spend some quality time conducting their very own talent show. Who was the best? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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