( -0564 ) John Lear - Aliens Are Here, They Can Move Using Thought, & They Are Not Our Friends - Classic Early Footage On Aliens & UFO's

1 year ago

John Lear - Aliens Are Here, They Can Move Using Thought, & Aren't Our Friends - Classic Early Footage On Aliens & UFO's

This one includes an interesting aspect, because Dr. Steven Greer always insisted that the only "evil" aliens were simply manufactured by our military for psyops. However, in this video Yancy Spence seems to back up Linda Napolitano (Linda Cortile) concerning the "Brooklyn Bridge Abduction" mentioned in Budd Hopkins' book "Witnessed". Greer has stated that this event involved US military personnel but not ET's. There are sites debunking all of this, but they fail to mention that Yancy Spence not only confirmed that the event happened, but claimed that the city of Brooklyn had its power turned off and that "mind control" was exerted over dozens of individuals working at that hour (notably at the newspaper where Spence worked at the time).

If there are Aliens, or one or more on-world unknown sentient races, there will come a time when we will learn their motives. Either Dr. Kathleen Turner & John Lear will prove more accurate than Dr. Steven Greer, or the opposite will be true. I find it hard to buy a one-sided view that such beings would all be spiritual advanced and completely hands-off. There's too much weirdness and too much water under the bridge indicating the opposite. Advanced in some ways but not others? Ill-intentioned or even demonic? Anything is possible and Kerry Cassidy & Bill are right & Greer is wrong about one issue - armed does not just mean with knowledge. Armed physically and spiritually for purposes of individual defense is a necessary part of the definition that applies here.

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