Hidden History Of Humanity And Map Of Lemuria And Story of Atlantis Great Flood

1 year ago

Hidden history of humanity It means that no book, no teacher, no religion, no philosophy, no scientific discovery will ever satisfy. You are looking for something you will never find, which they used to call God. Root races are stages in human evolution in the esoteric cosmology of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, as described in her book The Secret Doctrine. These races existed mainly on now-lost continents. According to The Secret Doctrine, the First Root Race, nonphysical beings lacking in consciousness, began to develop over 1.5 billion years ago. The first self-conscious humanity resembling what we know today was the Third Root Race, which started over 18 million years ago. The anthropological records, historic and even prehistoric, belong to our current Root Race, which is the fifth (out of seven). The model for the evolution of humanity presented by the esoteric philosophy is far more complex than the modern scientific views on the subject. The term Root-Race does not refer to ethnicities or racial concepts of the modern world.

So story of Atlantis, a legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean, was told by Plato around 360 B.C. The founders of Atlantis were half god and half human, who created a utopian civilization and became a great naval power. Their home was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center. Atlantis was described as a naval empire that ruled all Western parts of the known world, making it the literary counter-image of the Achaemenid Empire. After an ill-fated attempt to conquer "Ancient Athens," Atlantis fell out of favor with the deities and submerged into the Atlantic Ocean. The story of Atlantis has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians for nearly 2,400 years. The ancient Greeks were divided as to whether Plato's story was to be taken as history or mere metaphor. Since the 19th century, renewed interest has been made in linking Plato's Atlantis to historical locations, most commonly the Greek island of Santorini, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1,600 BC.

The Great Flood, also known as the MEH-behl-moak, is a cataclysmic event that resulted in the sinking of Atlantis, a civilization that was at the height of its dominance over other civilizations. The event is documented in the opening sequence of Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Paleoclimatology data shows that Antarctica was temperate 15,000 years ago and home to the original Atlantis. Geological evidence of three worldwide super-floods occurred 15,000, 11,600, and 8,700 years ago, which paralleled the freezing of Antarctica, the arrival of Cro-Magnon man in Europe, and the destruction of Atlantis according to Plato. The Cheyenne, a North American Great Plains tribe, believe in a flood that altered the course of their history, possibly occurring in the Missouri River Valley. Plato's allegory of Atlantis is set over 9,000 years before his time, leading some scholars to suggest that a Stone Age society that lived close to the Mediterranean Sea could have been wiped out by the rising sea level, which could have served as the basis for the story.

Lemuria, also known as Mu, was a continent proposed by zoologist Philip Sclater in 1864. It was theorized to have sunk beneath the Indian Ocean and was later appropriated by occultists in supposed accounts of human origins. However, the theory was discredited with the discovery of plate tectonics and continental drift in the 20th century. Lemuria was about 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide, and the Garden of Eden was not in Asia but on a now-submerged continent in the Pacific Ocean. The Biblical story of Creation came first not from the peoples of the Nile or the Euphrates Valley but from this now-submerged continent, Mu - the Motherland of Man. The original Lemurians were thought projections created by the algorithms of a simulation. The mythical island of Lemuria remains a reality to futurists and mystics today.

Hidden Origins of Mankind It deals with repressed memory, signs and symbols, dreams and fantasies of uncovering the hidden origins of your existence. It’s about a cowboy. He lives in New Mexico with his mother, whom he loves; with his sister, whom he loves in a different way; and with his brother, whom he hates, though he doesn’t understand why. At night, he is haunted by a strange dream—in it, he sees dancing boots and spurs, and there is always laughter. In the last act, we learn the meaning of the boots and the laughter, a secret that explains the cowboy’s fear and distrust. The dream is more than a dream. It’s a memory of the day the man who’d been posing as Mitchum’s uncle killed Mitchum’s father, then danced over the body in spurred boots laughing as the woman Mitchum would accept as his mother scooped up the terrified child to be raised as her own.

That movie has haunted me ever since. Its dancing spurs have become my dancing spurs, its story less a plot than a parable. It’s mankind reduced to symbols. It’s a secret encoded. It’s telling us that the truth about our past—as a species—has been hidden. It’s about the effort to keep it hidden, which constitutes a conspiracy. It’s a secret that remains just out of reach, though the existence of the secret is hinted at in all the ancient books. It’s in the Bible (Old Testament) and in its sequel (New Testament). It’s in Exodus when Moses climbs the trail to the peak of Sinai, the holy mountain, the Lord’s abode in the upside-down. God gives Moses the Ten Commandments, then something else, a secret teaching, whispered in the left ear. Moses shared it with his nephews, who either passed it on or were not listening. Some of it may have been recorded in Jubilees, a noncanonical book of the Bible. It’s in the Gospels, too, most clearly in Mark, when Jesus, explaining why much of his teaching is given in the form of parables (in ancient Israel, a parable was like a riddle) says he does it to obscure as much as to reveal:

You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables, for they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand.

For Jews, this method—teaching via seemingly pointless stories—will be familiar. All our old-timers prefer anecdotes to instructions, questions to answers. Think of the Bob Dylan lyric: “I can tell you fancy, I can tell you plain.” Or think of my pop who, when asked why he answered every question with another question, responded, “Why do you ask?”

So in Mark, you again have the existence of the secret but not the secret itself, which is reserved for a handful of disciples who will pass it on to a chosen few, protecting the masses from a truth that would only confuse them.

You find mention of the secret all through art and literature—once you see it, you can’t stop seeing it. It’s in every book that’s really knocked me out. Start with Walker Percy, whose novels I came across by accident—of course, there are no accidents—freshman year in college, when I was hungry for the secret. The Moviegoer, The Last Gentleman, The Second Coming—these books gripped me and disappointed me. Gripped me because the protagonist was always on the verge of discovering the secret; disappointed me because he never did. I always closed the book hungry, yet not knowing why. This not knowing drives Percy’s protagonists toward suicide. Better not to know you don’t know than to know you don’t know and never will. It’s a realization his characters experience as a fall from Eden, a move from blissful ignorance to tortured knowledge. Once again, and just like that, the bleak nature of their predicament comes back to them.

This can happen anywhere, even on a golf course:

Another time, he sliced out-of-bounds, something he seldom did. As he searched for the ball deep in the woods, another odd thing happened to him. He heard something and the sound reminded him of an event that happened a long time ago. It was the most important event in his life, yet he had managed until that moment to forget it.

Shortly afterward, he became even more depressed. People seemed more farcical than ever. More than once he shook his head, and smiling ironically, said to himself: This is not for me.

Then it was that it occurred to him that he might shoot himself.
First, it was only a thought that popped into his head.
Next, it was an idea which he entertained ironically.
Finally, it was a course of action which he took seriously and decided to carry out.

The books satisfy but not fully: you want the answer Percy himself seeks but never finds. You are left with the same questions you had at the beginning: Is there a secret? Who keeps it and how? And, most importantly, what is it?

That’s where secret societies, and the hatred of secret societies, comes in. Because these groups, real or imagined—Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Jews, always Jews—are thought to be in possession of the secret, which they use to manipulate the multitudes. If not, then why the codes, the symbols, the strange languages and signs? Why the two-headed eagle, the pentagram, and the all seeing eye? What are these things if not a wink to the hidden elite, those who know but are not telling. And what about the secret books—the Book of Enoch and the Gospel of Judas, or the occult writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky? And what about the rituals? The goat loaded with sin and driven into the wilderness, the horned helmet worn only in the inner sanctum, the staff and the flowing robes?

A fixation on such questions can drive people mad; they stand before the world like a person standing before a 3-D poster, hunting for the pattern. The answer is so close they can almost touch it. It shimmers like a heat mirage up the highway, forever receding. If they knew this, maybe they’d know everything. A man in my town told me that he gets goose bumps whenever he walks past the synagogue, wondering what’s being said in there. I can assure you, I told him (it’s my synagogue), nothing is being said. Or, if we are talking, it’s not about you. We know nothing you don’t know, which is why I have trouble connecting with the services. I am searching for the same thing as you, I tell him. In fact, the core of Judaism, as far as I’m concerned, is not knowing. We had the secret, then lost it. That’s the worldview. That’s the humor. That’s the food. That’s the sad old men. That’s the klezmer. That’s why people pray to a wall in the desert. Because the wall used to support a temple, in which there was a room where the secret was spoken once a year, but the room and the building have been destroyed.

People join secret societies for the business contacts, the companionship, to pass time and, of course, for the answers. But are these answers, if they do exist, anything other than ludicrous? The Nation of Islam believes the white race was made in a lab by a black scientist named Yakub. Scientologists believe human history was warped by an intergalactic overlord named Xenu who, in an effort to deal with overpopulation, killed millions of beings, stashed their frozen souls—“thetans”—beside volcanoes on earth—Hey, I’m doing the best I can here!—which he then nuked, scattering alien souls that adhere to modern humans in the way of burrs picked up in the forest. You pay, they are removed, and you become “clear.”

Every religion has a creation story, and the story, whether told in school or church, is always basically the same. The lyrics change, but the melody is the melody. It is always order arising from chaos: a big bang, an explosion of life, the creation of man and the fall from the paradise of not knowing. In the Bible, Cain kills Abel and is cast out. In Darwin, Homo sapiens plunge the Neanderthals into nonexistence. In both stories, the bad brother survives. In the Bible, the snake tempts Eve in the Garden, she eats from the tree of knowledge, and brings suffering into the world. To Gnostics, God is really a demigod who means to imprison us, to keep us from learning the secret: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree in the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, though shall not eat of it; for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” In this reading, the spirit we have accepted as almighty is more like a prison warden, hiding the truth, which the snake, who enters the Garden as if entering our dream, tires to reveal. Having eaten from the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve must be cast out before they eat from the tree of life, at which point they will become the equal of their jailer. “And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.”

And who is this “us,” anyway?

And what about the modern sects, dozens of them, who’ve picked up and reassembled the pieces of the puzzle into ever wilder patterns. Take, for example, members of the Raëlian Movement, who believe mankind was created by ancient aliens—a genetically engineered hybrid designed to mine the gold needed to save the alien atmosphere. It’s a story they say can be read in the tablets found in the ruins of ancient Sumer, the world’s first civilization, which show reptile men, spaceships, thrones, little people worshipping giant lizards—the snake that crept into the Garden? These were the old-world gods, the immortals of Mesopotamia and Egypt, Greece and Rome. People with the right kind of eyes can find these intergalactic overlords even in our canonical texts. There they are, above the wine-dark seas of Homer. There they are, in the first pages of Genesis, where they are called the Nephilim. “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.” It’s a secret known to the Masons and Illuminati, though it has been kept from the people, who, to this day, are ruled by the descendants of half alien/half human hybrids. (This is what conspiracy theorists like David Icke believe; it’s what people mean when they speak of the reptilians.) Some think we are not even free-range hybrids, but live in a vast zoo, where we are gawked at by schools of field-tripping aliens. Some think we are on a reality TV show—that we’re famous on a distant planet. Some think this is all a computer simulation, that this world is not the real world but a reflection or echo of the real world, that we are living in a mainframe, our lives the playthings of adolescent boys who really should be doing their homework.

So what does it all mean? It means that no book, no teacher, no religion, no philosophy, no scientific discovery will ever satisfy. You are looking for something you will never find, which they used to call God.

Root races are stages in human evolution in the esoteric cosmology of theosophist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, as described in her book The Secret Doctrine (1888). These races existed mainly on now-lost continents. Blavatsky's model was developed by later theosophists, most notably William Scott-Elliot in The Story of Atlantis (1896) and The Lost Lemuria (1904). Annie Besant further developed the model in Man: Whence, How and Whither (1913). Both Besant and Scott-Elliot relied on information from Charles Webster Leadbeater obtained by "astral clairvoyance". Further elaboration was provided by Rudolf Steiner in Atlantis and Lemuria (1904). Rudolf Steiner, and subsequent theosophist authors, have called the time periods associated with these races Epochs (Steiner felt that the term "race" was not adequate anymore for modern humanity).

According to historian James Webb, the occult concept of succeeding prehistoric races, as later adopted by Blavatsky, was first introduced by the French author Antoine Fabre d'Olivet in his Histoire philosophique du genre humain (1824). Also prior to Blavatsky, the root races were described by the English theosophist Alfred Percy Sinnett in Esoteric Buddhism (1883).

Locations of the proposed former continents
Some post-theosophical writers, attempting to reconcile current geological science with some earlier theosophical teachings, have equated Lemuria with the former supercontinent of Gondwana, but this is not theosophy.[opinion] Early theosophical teachings agree with the original statements of Eduard Suess, who argued that Gondwanaland consisted of parts of the present continents in their present positions, but joined to one another by other lands that have since been submerged. This is also the position of Master Samael Aun Weor.

Atlantis, in the Theosophical cosmology, was a continent that covered a significant part of what is now the Atlantic Ocean. The large continent of Atlantis is said to have "first divided, and then broken later on into seven peninsulas and islands". When the main part of Atlantis began to sink, Atlantean settlers migrated to the new lands which were rising to the east, west, and south. These new lands became the Americas, Africa, parts of Asia, and the present European countries, stretching from the Ural Mountains of Russia, westward to include the islands of Ireland and Great Britain, and even farther westward than that in former times. Some emigrants from the remaining islands in the Atlantic settled on new islands to the east which later consolidated into what is now the district of the Abyssinian highlands and lands somewhat to the north. Atlantis perished through flooding and submergence in 9,564 BC,[4] and its destruction is explained by claiming successive disturbances in the axial rotation of Earth which caused earthquakes, which led to the sudden sinking of Atlantis.

Root races, epochs and sub-races
According to Blavatsky's writings, there are seven root races assembling for our Earth; each root race is divided into seven subraces. Only five root races have appeared so far; the sixth is expected to emerge in the 28th century. Francis Bacon (whom theosophy considers to be the legendary Count of St. Germain) in his work The New Atlantis (1627) describes a potential future civilization which lives on a land called Bensalem.

The first root race (Polarian)
The first root race was "ethereal", i.e. they were composed of etheric matter. They reproduced by dividing like an amoeba. Earth was still cooling at that time. The first mountain to arise out of the stormy primeval ocean was Mount Meru.

The second root race (Hyperborean)
The second root race lived in Hyperborea. The second root race was colored golden yellow. Hyperborea included what is now Northern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Northern Russia and Kamchatka. The climate was tropical because Earth had not yet developed an axial tilt. The esoteric name of their continent is Plaksha; they called themselves the Kimpurshas. They reproduced by budding.

The third root race (Lemurian)
The third root race, the Lemurian lived in Lemuria. The esoteric name of Lemuria is Shalmali. Lemuria, according to Theosophists, existed in a large part of what is now the Indian Ocean including Australia and extending into the South Pacific Ocean; its last remnants are the Australian continent, the island of New Guinea, and the island of Madagascar. Lemuria sank gradually and was eventually destroyed by incessantly erupting volcanoes. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was thought by geologists that the age of the earth was only about 200 million years (because radioactive dating had not yet come into use), so the geological epochs were believed to have occurred at a much later time than is thought to be the case today. According to traditional Theosophy, the Lemurian root race began 34½ million years ago, in the middle of what was then believed to be the Jurassic; thus, the people of Lemuria coexisted with the dinosaurs. The Lemurian race was much taller and bigger than our current race. The first three subraces of the Lemurians reproduced by laying eggs, but the fourth subrace, beginning 16½ million years ago, began to reproduce like modern humans. As Lemuria was slowly submerged due to volcanic eruptions, the Lemurians colonized the areas surrounding Lemuria, namely Africa, Southern India and the East Indies. The descendants of the Lemurian root race, according to traditional Theosophy, include the Capoid race, the Congoid race, the Dravidians, and the Australoid race.

The fourth root race (Atlantean)
This race inhabited Atlantis.

Subraces of the Atlantean root race
The fourth root race, the Atlantean, according to Theosophy arose approximately 4,500,000 years ago in Africa from the fourth subrace of the Lemurians in a part of Africa that had been colonized by that subrace in the area now inhabited by the Ashanti. According to Theosophists the first Atlantean subrace was the result of the last, or seventh Lemurian subrace, Chankshusha Manu, which migrated first to the south of the Atlantean continent and, from there, migrated further north. The esoteric name of Atlantis is Kusha. The Atlantean root race had Mongolian features; they began with bronze skin and gradually evolved into the red American Indian, brown Malayan, and yellow Mongolian races, because some Atlanteans eventually migrated to the Americas and Asia. The seven subraces of the Atlantean root race were.

the Rmoahal
the Tlavati (Cro-Magnons)
the Toltec (a term which Theosophists use as a synonym for the Atlantean ancestors of the American Indians)
the Turanian the original Semites (i.e. Phoenicians)
the Akkadians, and the Mongolian, which migrated to and colonized Central Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.
The descendants of the Atlanteans according to traditional Theosophy include those of the Mongolian race, the Malayan race, and the American Indian race as well as some people of what in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was called the "olive-skinned" Mediterranean race.

The civilization of Atlantis

Main article: Atlantis
According to Powell, the long period of time when Atlantis was ruled by the Toltecs (the ancestors of the Amerindians), the civilization of Atlantis was at its height. This was the period between about 1,000,000 and 900,000 years ago, called the Golden Age of Atlantis. The Atlanteans had many luxuries and conveniences. Their capital city was called The City of the Golden Gates. At its height, it had two million inhabitants. There were extensive aqueducts leading to the city from a mountain lake. The Atlanteans had airships powered by the vril that could seat two to eight people. The economic system was socialist like that of the Incas. Atlanteans were the first to develop organized warfare. The military deployed vril-powered air battleships that contained 50 to 100 fighting men. These air battleships deployed poison gas bombs. The infantry fired fire-tipped arrows. The Toltecs on Atlantis worshipped the Sun in temples as grand as those of ancient Egypt that were decorated in bright colors. The sacred word used in meditation was Tau (this was the equivalent of the Aryan sacred word AUM). As noted above, the Toltecs colonized all of North America and South America and thus became the people we know as the Amerindians. The downfall of Atlantis started when some of the Toltecs began to practice black magic about 850,000 BC, corrupted by the dragon "Thevetat" remembered as Devadatta, the opponent of Buddha. The people began to become selfish and materialistic. Soon thereafter, the Turanians (the ancestors of the people we now know as the Turkic peoples) became dominant in much of Atlantis. The Turanians continued the practice of black magic which reached its height about 250,000 BC and continued until the final sinking of Atlantis, although they were opposed by white magicians. The Master Morya incarnated as the Emperor of Atlantis in 220,000 BC to oppose the black magicians. The black magicians used magical spells to breed human-animal chimeras. They possessed an army composed of chimeras that were composites composed of a human body with the heads of fierce predators such as lions, tigers and bears, that ate enemy corpses on the battlefield. The war between the white magicians and the black magicians continued until the end of Atlantis. The Masters of the Ancient Wisdom telepathically warned their disciples (the white magicians) to flee Atlantis in ships while there was still time to get out before the final cataclysm. As noted above, the final sudden submergence of Atlantis due to earthquakes occurred in 9,564 BC .

The fifth root race (Aryan)
Early beginnings of the Aryan root race
Blavatsky asserted humanity is now in the fifth or Aryan root race, which Theosophists believe to have emerged from the previous fourth root race (Atlantean root race) beginning about 100,000 years ago in Atlantis. (According to Powell, when Madame Blavatsky stated the Aryan root race was 1,000,000 years old, she meant that the souls of the people that later physically incarnated as the first Aryans about 100,000 years ago began to incarnate in the bodies of Atlanteans 1,000,000 years ago. However, another way of interpreting this is that Nature began to create the Aryan race before the final cataclysms.) Theosophists believe the Aryan root race was physically progenerated by the Vaivasvatu Manu, one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (compare and contrast with Vaivasvata Manu of Hinduism. The present-day ethnic group most closely related to the new race is the Kabyle. The small band of only 9,000 people constituting the then small Aryan root race migrated out of Atlantis in 79,797 BC. The bards of the new white root-race poetically referred to the new race as being moon-colored. A small group of these Aryan migrants from Atlantis split from the main body of migrants and went south to the shore of an inland sea in what was then a verdant and lush Sahara where they founded the "City of the Sun". The main body of migrants continued onwards to an island called the "white island" in the middle of what was then an inland sea in what is now the Gobi desert, where they established the "City of the Bridge" (The "City of the Bridge" was constructed directly below the etheric city called Shamballa where Theosophists believe the governing deity of Earth, Sanat Kumara (compare and contrast with Sanatkumaras of Hinduism), dwells; thus, the ongoing evolution of the Aryan root race has been divinely guided by the being Theosophists call "The Lord of the World".)

The esoteric name of the whole of the present land surface of Earth, i.e. the World Island, the Americas, the Australian continent and Antarctica taken as a whole is Krauncha.

Blavatsky connects physical race with spiritual attributes constantly throughout her works:

The intellectual difference between the Aryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, nor generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Aryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so called. The 'sacred spark' is missing in them and it is they who are the only inferior races on the globe, now happily – owing to the wise adjustment of nature which ever works in that direction – fast dying out. Verily mankind is 'of one blood,' but not of the same essence. We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent." Esoteric history teaches that idols and their worship died out with the Fourth Race, until the survivors of the hybrid races of the latter (Chinamen, African Negroes, &c.) gradually brought the worship back. The Vedas countenance no idols; all the modern Hindu writings do.

Generally speaking, a large percentage of the people who live in the time of the period of the fifth root race are part of the fifth root race. However Blavatsky also opines that some Semitic peoples have become "degenerate in spirituality". She asserted that some peoples descended from the Lemurians are "semi-animal creatures". These latter include "the Tasmanians, a portion of the Australians." There are also "considerable numbers of the mixed Lemuro-Atlantean peoples produced by various crossings with such semi-human stocks e.g., the wild men of Borneo, the Veddhas of Ceylon, most of the remaining Australians, Bushmen, Negritos, Andaman Islanders, etc." All these aforementioned groups mentioned by Blavatsky, except the Borneians, are part of what in the late 19th and most of the 20th century was called the Australoid race (except for the Bushmen, part of the Capoid race), both of which races, as noted above, were believed by traditional Theosophists to have been descended from the Lemurians.

Subraces of the Aryan root race
Blavatsky described the fifth root race with the following words:

The Aryan races, for instance, now varying from dark brown, almost black, red-brown-yellow, down to the whitest creamy color, are yet all of one and the same stock – the Fifth Root-Race – and spring from one single progenitor, who is said to have lived over 18,000,000 years ago, and also 850,000 years ago – at the time of the sinking of the last remnants of the great continent of Atlantis.

She also prophesies of the destruction of the racial "failures of nature" as the future "higher race" ascends:

Thus will mankind, race after race, perform its appointed cycle-pilgrimage. Climates will, and have already begun, to change, each tropical year after the other dropping one sub-race, but only to beget another higher race on the ascending cycle; while a series of other less favored groups – the failures of nature – will, like some individual men, vanish from the human family without even leaving a trace behind.

The subraces (which Steiner renamed "Cultural Epochs" as a more adequate expression for our times) of the Aryan Fifth Root Race include the first subrace, the Hindu, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" on the white island in the middle of the Gobi inland sea to India in 60,000 BC; the second subrace, the Arabian, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Arabia in 40,000 BC; the third subrace, the Persian, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Persia in 30,000 BC; the fourth subrace, the Celts, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Western Europe beginning in 20,000 BC (the Mycenaean Greeks are regarded as an offshoot of the Celtic subrace that colonized Southeast Europe); and the fifth subrace, the Teutonic, which also migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to what is now Germany beginning in 20,000 BC (the Slavs are regarded as an offshoot of the Teutonic subrace that colonized Russia and surrounding areas).

The emergence of the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race
According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is in arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups). The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth."

The sixth root race
According to C. W. Leadbeater, a colony will be established in Baja California by the Theosophical Society under the guidance of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in the 28th century for the intensive selective eugenic breeding of the sixth root race. The Master Morya will physically incarnate in order to be the Manu ("progenitor") of this new root race. By that time, the world will be powered by nuclear power and there will be a single world government led by a person who will be the reincarnation of Julius Caesar. Tens of thousands of years in the future, a new continent will arise in the Pacific Ocean that will be the future home of the sixth root race. California west of the San Andreas Fault will break off from the mainland of North America and become the Island of California off the eastern coast of the new continent.

Victor Skumin elaborated on the theosophical conceptions of spiritual evolution and proposed (1990) a classification of Homo spiritalis (Latin: spiritual man), the sixth root race, consisting of eight subraces: HS0 Anabiosis spiritalis, HS1 Scientella spiritalis, HS2 Aurora spiritalis, HS3 Ascensus spiritalis, HS4 Vocatus spiritalis, HS5 Illuminatio spiritalis, НS6 Creatio spiritalis, and HS7 Servitus spiritalis. According to Skumin:

Anabiosis spiritalis is spirituality in the potential of unmanifest accumulations of personality, the charge of the fires of spiritual creation;
Scientella spiritalis is the cordial presentiment of the presence and demands of the spirit, spiritualization of the fire of centers, glimpses of self-consciousness of a spiritual person;
Aurora spiritalis is the imperative of the spirit, the action of the spiritual fire of the centers in the heart, the kindling of the fire of the spirit, the formation of the orientation of the personality to the spiritual improvement of life;
Ascensus spiritalis is the dawn of spiritual aspirations, the action of the fire of the spirit in the heart, searching spiritual work, aspiration of self-consciousness to merge with the One Spirit;
Vocatus spiritalis is the maturation of spiritual accumulations, the purposeful spiritual creation, self-awareness and realization of a person as a warrior of the spirit;
IIluminatio spiritalis is the beginning of the fiery transmutation, the lighting of the achievement fire; revealing the identity of man - the earthly carrier of the Thoughts of the One Spirit;
Creatio Spiritalis is the beginning of fiery creation, the action of the fire of achievement in the heart, the revealing self-consciousness of man as the earthly carrier of the Light of the One Spirit;
Servitus Spiritalis is the carrying a consciously accepted duty-commission, the synthesis of spirituality in the clarity of knowledge of a fiery man.
The seventh root race
The seventh root race will arise from the seventh sub-race of the sixth root race on the future continent that the sixth root race will be living on that will arise from the Pacific Ocean. The continent they will inhabit is esoterically called Pushkara.

This root race will be the last race to appear on planet Earth. Theosophist Scott Ramsey predicts that any sexual difference among humans will cease to exist, and both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual.

He also writes humanity will have a great spiritual development, and he describes this development in the following words:

"Everything that is irredeemably sinful and wicked, cruel and destructive, will have been eliminated, and that which is found to survive will be swept away from being, owing, so to speak, to a Karmic tidal-wave in the shape of scavenger-plagues, geological convulsions and other means of destruction."

Migration to Mercury
It is believed by some Neo-Theosophists that after the present round of human spiritual evolution by reincarnation of souls in root races is completed several dozen million years from now, the human race will migrate to the planet Mercury to continue its spiritual and physical evolution.

Some also believe that the human race lived on Mars before the current round of spiritual evolution, and migrated to Earth after the previous round ended. According to astrologer Walter D. Pullen, every round of spiritual evolution takes place within a chain of similar rounds, and these chains are located in a group called a scheme. He also states that seven rounds make a chain, and seven chains make a scheme. Some Neo-Theosophists believe that the human race is currently in the fourth chain in a scheme. In addition, it is believed by some that life on Mercury will be “less material” than on Earth, and the average level of consciousness will extend for longer, as humanity will possess etheric vision.

Theosophical belief in the brotherhood of humanity
Blavatsky's statements about race and the interrelationship between spirituality and root race developmental history were often mutually conflicting. The first aim of the Theosophical Society is "To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour", and her writings include references emphasizing the unity of humanity: "all men have spiritually and physically the same origin" and that "mankind is essentially of one and the same essence". She also wrote: "Verily mankind is 'of one blood,' but not of the same essence." are nonlinear and complex. Thus: "Esoteric history teaches that idols and their worship died out with the Fourth Race, until the survivors of the hybrid races of the latter (The Chinese, Africans, etc.,.) gradually brought the worship back."

Cranston quoted Blavatsky saying that in reality there are no inferior or low-grade races because all of them are one common mankind.

Sons Of God Secret History Dying And Rising Gods From Alpha To Omega To Infinity


In This 6.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Sons of God Secret History Dying And Rising Gods From Alpha To Omega To Infinity. This Is The Most Important Set 21 Videos You Will Ever Watch. (21 Video Links In Text) We break down the most ancient forms of nature worship, to As applied in the scholarly literature, "dying and rising gods" is a generic appellation for a group of male deities found in agrarian Mediterranean societies who serve as the focus of myths and rituals that allegedly narrate and annually represent their death and resurrection.

Theosophy is a religion established in the United States during the late 19th century. It was founded primarily by the Russian Helena Blavatsky and draws its teachings predominantly from Blavatsky's writings. Categorized by scholars of religion as both a new religious movement and as part of the occultist stream of Western esotericism, it draws upon both older European philosophies such as Neoplatonism and Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.


As presented by Blavatsky, Theosophy teaches that there is an ancient and secretive brotherhood of spiritual adepts known as the Masters, who—although found around the world—are centered in Tibet. These Masters are alleged by Blavatsky to have cultivated great wisdom and supernatural powers, and Theosophists believe that it was they who initiated the modern Theosophical movement through disseminating their teachings via Blavatsky. They believe that these Masters are attempting to revive knowledge of an ancient religion once found around the world and which will again come to eclipse the existing world religions. Theosophical groups nevertheless do not refer to their system as a "religion". Theosophy preaches the existence of a single, divine Absolute. It promotes an emanationist cosmology in which the universe is perceived as outward reflections from this Absolute. Theosophy teaches that the purpose of human life is spiritual emancipation and says that the human soul undergoes reincarnation upon bodily death according to a process of karma. It promotes values of universal brotherhood and social improvement, although it does not stipulate particular ethical codes.

Lemuria, or Mu, is a mythical continent that allegedly was located in the Pacific Ocean region or the Pacific Ring of Fire. Today we read about accelerating natural disasters in that area - earthquakes, tsunamis - dormant volcanoes becoming active - as the tectonic plates continue to shift triggering the message that one day all will need once again. This takes us to creation myths - submerged cities, flood stories around the world and Simulation Theory.

The original Lemurians were thought projections created by the algorithms of a simulation. They were tall, thin, ethereal beings who could take on different forms. They allegedly came from the Pleiades remaining on this planet until the end of their experiment. They could move through space and time and had heightened abilities.

The reason they came here varies depending on which researcher you read about. Some believe they came here to seed the human race while others believe they stayed and are monitoring and adjusting human evolution. They explored and recorded their findings through telepathy and technologies beyond human understanding. It would be nice to have some answers before the human experiment ends.

Lemuria or Mu is the name of a hypothetical continent that allegedly existed in one of Earth's oceans, but disappeared at the dawn of human history. The concept and the name were proposed by 19th century traveler and writer Augustus Le Plongeon, (1825-1908), who claimed that several ancient civilizations, such as those of Egypt and Mesoamerica, were created by refugees from Mu - which he located in the Atlantic Ocean. Egypt was founded by Queen Moo, a refugee from the land's demise. Other refugees supposedly fled to Central America and became the Mayans.

After his investigations of the Maya ruins in Yucatan, Le Plongeon claimed that he had translated ancient Mayan writings, which supposedly showed that the Maya of Yucatan were older than the civilizations of Greece and Egypt, and additionally told the story of an even older continent. Le Plongeon actually got the name "Mu" from Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg who in 1864 mistranslated what was then called the Troano Codex using the de Landa alphabet. That was wrong as recent translations of the Troano Codex have shown it to be treaties on astrology. Brasseur believed that a word that he read as Mu referred to a land submerged by a catastrophe. Le Plongeon then identified this lost land with Atlantis, and turned it into a continent which had supposedly sunk into the Atlantic Ocean:

Le Plongeon's concept was popularized and expanded by his friend, Anglo-American explorer, James Churchward (1851-1936), though he believed Mu was once located in the Pacific. In books such as The Lost Continent of Mu (1931), wrote that the Motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter Island to the Marianas. Churchward claimed that more than fifty years prior, while he was a soldier in India, he befriended a high-ranking temple priest who showed him a set of ancient "sunburnt" clay tablets, supposedly in a long lost "Naga-Maya language" which only two other people in India could read. Having mastered the language himself, Churchward found out that they originated from "the place where man first appeared - Mu." The 1931 edition states that "all matter of science in this work are based on translations of two sets of ancient tablets:" the clay tables he read in India, and a collection 2,500 stone tablets that had been uncovered by William Niven in Mexico.

Churchward gave a vivid description of Mu as the home of an advanced civilization, the Naacal, which flourished between 50,000 and 12,000 years ago, was dominated by a "white race" that was superior in many respects to our own. At the time of its demise, about 12,000 years ago, Mu had 64,000,000 inhabitants and many large cities, and colonies in the other continents.

Churchward claimed that the landmass of Mu was located in the Pacific Ocean, and stretched east-west from the Marianas to Easter Island, and north-south from Hawaii to Mangaia. He claimed that according to the creation myth he read in the Indian tablets, Mu had been lifted above sea level by the expansion of underground volcanic gases. Eventually Mu was completely obliterated in almost a single night after a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, "the broken land fell into that great abyss of fire" and was covered by "fifty millions of square miles of water.

Churchward claimed that Mu was the common origin of the great civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Central America, India, Burma and others, including Easter Island, and was in particular the source of ancient megalithic architecture. As evidence for his claims, he pointed to symbols from throughout the world, in which he saw common themes of birds, the relation of the Earth and the sky, and especially the Sun. Churchward claims the king of Mu was Ra and he relates this to the Egyptian god of the sun, Ra, and the Rapanui word for Sun. He claimed to have found symbols of the Sun in Egypt, Babylonia, Peru and all ancient lands and countries - it was a universal symbol.

Churchward attributed all megalithic art in Polynesia to the people of Mu. He claimed that symbols of the sun are found depicted on stones of Polynesian ruins, such as the stone hats (pukao) on top of the giant moai statues of Easter Island. Citing W.J. Johnson, Churchward describes the cylindrical hats as spheres that seem to show red in the distance, and asserts that they represent the Sun as Ra. He also incorrectly claimed that some of them are made of "red sandstone" which does not occur in the island. The platforms on which the statues rest (ahu) are described by Churchward as being platform-like accumulations of cut and dressed stone, which were supposedly left in their current positions awaiting shipment to some other part of the continent for the building of temples and palaces.He also cites the pillars erected by the Maori of New Zealand as an example of this lost civilization's art work. In Churchward's view, the present-day Polynesians are not descendants of the dominant members of the lost civilization of Mu, responsible for these great works, but survivors of the cataclysm that adopted the first cannibalism and savagery in the world.

Churchward's Books

Volume 1

- The Lost Continent of Mu set out Churchward's theory utilizing a "vast knowledge of science, ancient art and history, mythology and the occult" to recreate the splendor and doom of this hidden antediluvian world. Lemuria or Mu was about 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide. The Garden of Eden was not in Asia but on a now sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. The Biblical story of Creation came first not from the peoples of the Nile or the Euphrates Valley but from this now-submerged continent, Mu - the Motherland of Man.
Volume 2

- The Children of Mu is the story of the pioneers of Mu. Sixty-three million people lived on the now lost continent of Mu over 200,000 years ago. The children of Mu became the most influential people on Earth. Mu had an incredibly sophisticated government, flowering culture and scientific technology. Much of the Lemurian civilization lived in homes with transparent roofs. They built shelters, made clothing, food, and their own tools. They were free from stress and disease, living in peace for hundreds of years. Their psychic abilities were highly developed - telepathy, astral travel and teleportation making traditional communication devices unnecessary. They were primarily a vegetarian, agricultural, outdoor, organic culture that worked in harmony with nature and the land.
Volume 3

- The Sacred Symbols of Mu, this volume talks about the occult origins of ancient and modern religions. All religions have a common origin in the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu. The Lord's Prayer is to be found in The Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu. Evidence of the Mu religion dates back 170,000 years. These teachings were taught by Osiris, Moses, and Jesus. Moses condensed the forty-two questions of the Osirian religion into the Ten Commandments. Jesus condensed the text to suit the language of his day. The Last Words of Jesus on the cross were in the language of Mu, 'unknown in Palestine'.
Volume 4 -

The Cosmic Forces of Mu - Biological evolution is a myth, There is no such thing as atomic force. All disease can be conquered by using appropriately colored light rays. The Earth's temperatures and seasons have become inalterably fixed in their present state and that the Earth cannot be hurled off into space or drawn into the sun.
Volume 5

- Second Book of the Cosmic Forces of Mu - Churchward continues to draw conclusions from the ancient documents and lore of Mu to present some startling revisionist theories about the age of the Earth, the nature of mountains and volcanic processes, the Ice Age and Flood.

Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet, representing the totality, the beginning, and the end, as well as the entire range of sounds and infinity. They are sometimes portrayed by the eagle and the owl, day and night, and are said to contain the key to the universe. The shape of Alpha is related to a pair of compasses, an attribute of God the creator, while Omega's shape is similar to a torch, the fire of apocalyptical destruction.

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 0 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Exploring Tartaria - Old World Secrets Revealed

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 1 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part I - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 2 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part II - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 3 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The King of Tartaria - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 4 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - Relics, Reliquaries, & The First Resurrection

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 5 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - The Ruling Class - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 6 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
From Atheism, Agnosticism, New Age, Protestantism, to Roman Catholicism

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 7 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Millennial Kingdom of God - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 8 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Magic of the White City 1893 Chicago World's Fair

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 9 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
1000 Years Added To Our History & Dark Ages Never Existed

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 10 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Church History - Complete Documentary AD 33 to Present

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 11 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Christmas Unveiled - Pied Piper - Templars Secret - Saturn's Workshop - Giants Stealing Children

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 12 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Ancient Cloning Factories - Foundlings - Incubators - Test-Tube Babies

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 13 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Homunculus Unveiled - Jesus - Artificial Generation - Liber Vaccae - Lost Esoteric Secrets


Archaix Chronology Anunnaki Sumerian Gods Crystalinks Timelines 2040B.C. 2046A.D.


Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology Five color charts with extensive Legend-chronology; exhibits 62 dates involving 300 events in linear timeline combining the Phoenix and Nemesis X Object appearances, the Mayan Long-Count baktuns and the Anunnaki NER 600 year periods, a history spanning over 74 centuries to May 2040 and November 2046. Not on the chart but talked about in video are 21 additional dated events of things occurring in the world at key times within the 4 listed timelines. The BCE/CE dating system was first used in the 17th century and has been used since in scholarly publications read by people of all faiths and cultures in an effort to be inclusive. This system is also more accurate in that it makes no claim to date the year of Christ’s birth which no one knows.

I got over what I refer to as the "dual timelines" and go into a little detail about how they relate to each other. I try not to bore you with too many examples and technical details, but hopefully you get the idea!

A Must See Video What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

0:00 - Part One: "Turning Inwards" - 7:19 - Part Two: "Of Maps and Magicians"
- 34:40 - Part Three: "Flattening the Curve" - 57:16 - Part Four: "Vanishing Points & the Old Clock" - 1:21:34 - Part Five: "The Red Shield" - 1:47:28 - Part Six: "Infiltration Instead of Invasion" - 2:11:36 - Part Seven: "Eyes Wide Open" -
3:01:55 - Part Eight: "The Looking Glass" - 3:59:06 - Part Nine: "Panic" - 4:37:30 - Part Ten: "The Energetic Earth" - 5:24:53 - Part Eleven: "The Bumblebee & the Hexagon" - 6:07:37 - Part Twelve: "Stranger than Fiction" - 7:04:43 - Part Thirteen: "Down the Rabbit Hole"


The Lost History of Earth (Ewaranon) W0W - A Must See Video Lost Earth
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

00:00:00 - Episode 1: Questioning His-story - 00:13:25 - Episode 2: A Lens Into The Past - 00:38:28 - Episode 3: Inheritors Of Mud & Magnificence - 01:19:19 - Episode 4: Back To The Future - 02:15:38 - Episode 5: The Whispering Of The Water - 03:27:28 - Episode 6: Offerus And The Alchemist - 04:31:57 - Episode 7: The Known World


The Secret Life of Symbols with Jordan Maxwell Knowledge of the Heavens, Life on Earth


Secret Life of Symbols Start with 00:00:00 World of the Occult 00:36:02 Solar Worship 01:09:26 Mazzaroth - Ordinances of Heaven 01:37:29 Creating Man in Our Image 02:11:45 Solomon’s Temple & The Ark 02:53:31 Secret Legacy of Moses 03:25:52 Saturn and Secret Societies 03:55:07 Secrets of the Dollar 04:15:03 Incorporating America 04:42:21 Dawn of a New Day.

Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the elite, for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilization through the ages. All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny.

Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity


This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.

We break down the most ancient forms of nature worship, to Paganism, down to the Syncretic Roman Imperial Cult and Judeo-Christian and Islamic Monotheistic Religions. Ancient religions have been a part of human history since the Stone Age. These religions were often based on animism, the belief that everything in nature has a spirit or soul. As humans evolved, so did their religious beliefs. The ancient Egyptians believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled the forces of nature and the afterlife.

00:00:00 - Intro - 00:03:14 - Stone Age Religion - 00:16:52 - Proto-Indo European Religion - 00:55:29 - Sumerian Religion - 01:26:00 - Pelasgian Religion - 01:46:45 - Oldest Genesis Version - 02:18:16 - Dervani Papyrus
- 02:49:54 - Esoteric Roots of Judaism - 03:28:25 - Heliopolis Egyptian Mysteries - 03:35:27 - Acts of Isis & Osiris - 04:47:00 - Egyptian Book of the Dead - 04:56:29 - Serapis Mysteries - 05:34:52 - Orgiastic Rites of Eleusis
- 06:02:07 - Ancient Magic - 06:12:00 - Ancient Divination - 06:21:38 - Ancient Mysticism - 06:38:03 - Mysteries of Athena - 07:01:55 - Game of Thrones in Antiquity - 07:42:53 - Roman Religion - 08:21:39 - Elagabalus & Sol Invictus
- 09:11:00 - Julian the Apostate (Neo-Platonism) - 09:27:41 - Hypsistarians (Monotheism) - 09:45:59 - Orphism - 09:57:09 - Phrygian Influence on Christianity - 10:28:23 - How Satan became Lucifer - 11:10:55 - Mysteries of Eros - 11:33:50 - Outro

Today, Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions in the world. Christianity has over 2 billion followers, while Islam has over 1.5 billion. Both religions have had a profound impact on human history and continue to shape the world today.

In conclusion, ancient religions have played a significant role in human history. From animism to modern Christianity and Islam, religion has shaped the way humans view the world and interact with each other. While the specific beliefs and practices of these religions may differ, they all share a common goal of providing meaning and purpose to human life.

Secrets in Plain Sight - Volume Secrets Inside of Everyday Objects Top Documentary Films


Secrets in Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball What The Hell Happened 200 Times Collection


Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball When a photo of spherical Earth is pointed out to flat-earthers, they will dismiss it as CGI in the blink of an eye; even if they haven’t done any analysis at all. They do this because their belief in flat-Earth is not evidence-based, and any evidence contrary to their beliefs needs to be invalidated no matter how. They are so used to doing it, and sometimes they become confused by it themselves, to the point that they would take the slightest hint of digital manipulation of any picture of the Earth as evidence of the flat Earth.

What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.


Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order. Aug. 01-23 Full Moon And Blue Moon Aug. 30 2023 Thank You.

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