15th Aug 2023 - Challenge your understanding: Climate Change Quiz reveals eye-opening insights

1 year ago

Which international agreement sets guidelines for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of wetlands?
What is the term used for the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide to reduce its presence in the atmosphere?
Which environmental organization focuses on the conservation of endangered species and their habitats?
Which energy-efficient lighting technology is widely used as an alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing the use of private vehicles and promoting public transportation and non-motorized modes of transport?
Which international agreement aims to protect the diversity of plant and animal species and regulate the international trade of endangered species?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing water consumption and utilizing water resources efficiently?
Which natural disaster is often intensified by climate change and refers to a long-lasting period of extremely high temperatures?
What is the term used for the process of transforming organic waste into nutrient-rich material for soil improvement?
Which international organization aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote clean energy transition?

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