1 year ago

The Bob Iger led Walt Disney Company 3rd Quarter Earnings Call is August 9th 2023 and things are getting pretty crazy in the House Of Mouse. The reunion with former Disney Executives Tom Staggs and Kevin Mayer made BIG headlines in stock market news and entertainment news outlets.

Disney CEO Bob Iger Cries For Help After Getting In Over His Head | Iger, Disney bring BACK Tom Staggs and Kevin Mayer as "Consultants" under private contract to help Iger navigate streaming and linear broadcast TV as well as possible sales.

There was a time when Tom Staggs was the clear front runner to be Bob Iger's successor back in 2016 before Iger was renewed ... again. Staggs departed after the Walt Disney COmpany Board and Iger himself allegedly lost confidence in him after believing him to be the NEXT Disney CEO.

Kevin Mayer meanwhile helped Disney and Bob Iger acquire such properties as Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and even FOX before departing in 2020.

Tom Staggs and Kevin Mayer reunited as partners in a small but growing entertainment company called CANDLE MEDIA. Both still privately consult with major studios such as Warner Bros and David Zaslav and now with Disney.

MIGHT the board be tempted also to ask Tom Staggs to STAY at Disney this time and takeover as CEO?

thumbnail by @JFG

#disney #entertainmentnews #stockmarketnews

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