CIA & MI-6 Peoples Temple Research Detention Center, British Guyana

1 year ago

British Guyana, 100 kilometers up the river on Union Carbide leasehold property.
(6,000 acres, an airstrip, a boat dock, a pharmacy, and armed paramilitary soldiers)

CIA scheduled, supervised, controlled and executed PSYOPS event. Prisoner Dilemma Game Research Facility under the Military Intelligence fake name of: Peoples Temple Agricultural Project. (Media branded it Jonestown)

Not unlike many other clandestine service staged cover stories for mass murder:

USS Maine sunk in OSS Port of Havana Cuba 1898
Pearl Harbor 1941
Francis Gary Powers incident 1960
My Lai Massacre 1968, reported in September 1969
Peoples Temple founding and logistics 1955-1978
JFK 1963
Los Angeles Watts Riots 1965
RFK 1968
Zodiac killings 1969
Tate-Folger-LaBianca 1969
Patricia Hearst kidnapping February 4, 1974
Peoples Temple Project Jonestown Massacre PTAP, November 18, 1978
Mayor George Moscone & Harvey Milk assassinations, November 27, 1978

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