Stand4THEE Live @ 5 - Alberta Health Mandate Aug 2 2023

1 year ago

The Alberta Minister of Health has just been gvien authority to act as a dictator with power to override our rights to create orders under Public Health Act WITHOUT first going through provincial parliament. The ruling states that it was "ultra vires" for the cabinet to vote on public health orders. as they should vote on it.

[520] In summary, I find that the impugned Orders are ultra vires section 29 of the Public Health Act in that the final decision makers were the cabinet and committees of cabinet, rather than the CMOH or one of her statutorily authorized delegates.”

Now, let’s look at what the Alberta Public Health Act states”

"Isolation, Quarantine and Special Measures
Isolation and quarantine
29(1) A medical officer of health who knows of or has reason to suspect the existence of a communicable disease or a public health emergency within the boundaries of the health region in which the medical officer of health has jurisdiction may initiate an investigation to determine whether any action is necessary to protect the public health.
(2) Where the investigation confirms the presence of a communicable disease, the medical officer of health
(a) shall carry out the measures that the medical officer of health is required by this Act and the regulations to carry out, and
(b) may do any or all of the following:
(i) take whatever steps the medical officer of health considers necessary"

Read that again “ take whatever steps the medical officer of health considers necessary" and WITHOUT needing to get a VOTE FROM CABINET.

The ruling states that if Hinshaw made the orders herself it WOULD HAVE BEEN legal. THIS CASE LAW JUST GAVE THE MINISTER OF HEALTH THE SINGULAR POWER TO INFRINGE ON OUR RIGHTS. That is the OPPOSITE of democracy.

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