10th Aug 2023 - Challenge your understanding: Climate Change Quiz reveals eye-opening insights

1 year ago

What is the term used for the process of reducing noise pollution and promoting soundscapes that benefit human health and well-being?
Which international agreement aims to regulate the management and disposal of hazardous waste and minimize its environmental impact?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting actions to mitigate climate change?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of coastal ecosystems and the promotion of sustainable coastal development?
What is the term used for the process of reducing waste generation and promoting recycling, reuse, and resource recovery?
Which international agreement aims to protect and conserve wetlands and promote their sustainable use?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing energy consumption and promoting energy efficiency in buildings and appliances?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of Arctic ecosystems and the promotion of indigenous rights in the region?
What is the primary cause of the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica?
How does the burning of fossil fuels contribute to climate change?

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