3rd Aug 2023 - Challenge your understanding: Climate Change Quiz reveals eye-opening insights

1 year ago

Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of rivers and freshwater ecosystems?
What is the term used for the process of reducing the use of pesticides and promoting natural pest control methods in agriculture?
Which international agreement aims to regulate the international trade of endangered flora and fauna species?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing the use of non-renewable resources and promoting the development of renewable alternatives?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of rivers and the promotion of clean water initiatives?
What is the term used for the process of reducing plastic pollution in the ocean and promoting the use of biodegradable alternatives?
Which international agreement aims to protect and conserve migratory species and their habitats across national borders?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transportation and promoting sustainable mobility options?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of forests and the promotion of responsible wood sourcing?
What is the term used for the process of reducing soil erosion and promoting soil conservation practices in agriculture?
Which international agreement aims to regulate the management and disposal of hazardous chemicals and prevent their adverse effects?

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