How To Renew Your Mind, Biblically

1 year ago

If you ever read Romans 12:2, you may have asked this familiar question. How do I renew my mind? Don't worry, you are not alone because I do know that struggle. I would like to invite you to watch and learn some very needed and easy steps to biblically renewing your mind.

For your convenience, I added some timestamps to help you navigate this video:
00:00 Intro
00:35 It’s Not About Positive Thinking
01:36 It Begins With JESUS!
03:15 Can’t Renew Our Minds in Our Own Strength
03:42 It’s By God’s Grace!
05:25 The Comforter Cometh!
06:23 Don’t Go Along With the Crowd
07:12 Be a Lover of Jesus; Not the World
08:02 Children of Light; Not Darkness
09:49 How to Renew Your Mind
10:34 STEP 1: Care to Guess? Audio or Print
10:52 STEP 2: Meditate?? What’s that?
12:35 Meditating on God’s Word Does Not Memorizing
13:12 Conforming to Be Like Jesus
14:56 It’s an Ongoing Process

My name is Barry and I’m the owner of Christianity Explained. What is Christianity Explained? It’s an online ministry where I provide book reviews catering to a Christian audience. I, also provide some theological teachings through the Inspiration Point Podcast. On the CE Talk Show Podcast, you’ll see interviews with pastors and others in the Christian community.

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