Two Men Are Almost Swept Away By Massive Wave

8 years ago

What is it with thrill seekers and big waves? You have your surf boards, you have your wetsuits, you have your mountains and cliffs. Why do they have to stay so close to the beating of ocean water? We guess we will never find out, but this clip is a great PSA against such actions.

The sea is known for being a bit of a harsh mistress and it goes without saying that you should not toy with Mother Nature. That is exactly what these two men in La Jolla, California learned the hard way. You should be careful when playing around water. Do we even have to say “don’t try this at home”? We think it is pretty self-evident.

There is a staircase that leads down to a rocky shore, where our two brave fellows stand. We see the massive waves forming in the distance, approaching the filmer at a very high speed. As the camera pans down, one of our brave wave watchers doesn’t even budge; instead, he just sits there, covers his face (like that will help him any) and lets the wave engulf him completely.

It isn’t just the oncoming force of the wave that treats our gentlemen badly. The pull of the water is also intense and they barely get their footing, just enough to run back up the stairs and as far away from Mother Nature’s wrath as possible. The other one also managed to save his bike from the ocean. What was he thinking?

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